originally posted in:Secular Sevens
Men are always berated whenever we do something that can be perceived as slightly effeminate, often by other men. We have to tear down these preconceived notions of how men can and cannot act. We have to stop constantly censuring our fellow men when they do something that isn’t deemed masculine.
If a guy wants to watch shows "deemed for women" (like The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Glee, Gossip Girl), don’t criticize him. If he wants to listen to Justin Bieber, or The Jonas Brothers, don’t castigate him. You might retort with that all of those show and songs suck regardless of his gender. If it is as simple as that, then why don’t women get as much crap for watching those shows or listening to that music?
It is socially accepted that women can do all of those things and be free of criticism since they are deemed effeminate and the moment any guy decides to partake in them, he is jumped all over and attacked with “Are you a gay/-blam!-?” which is obviously attempting to chip away at his masculinity.
The flip side is also experienced by women, but to a lesser degree. Women can partake in many things that are considered predominately masculine, and it is more or less socially accepted. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for men since almost any act that can be considered effeminate is met with censure.
I really wish that is was an isolated problem but it is found almost everywhere and people never think twice about so I am asking you, to please do so.
Lol Op listens to the Jonas brothers.
You see, I am quite "feminime". But the thing is, [i]I don't care what people think about that.[/i]
Why do people get so worked up about sexism? A [i]man[/i] needs to be a [i]man[/i], doing [i]man[/i] things, saying [i]man[/i] things and taking part in [i]man[/i] things, living a [i]man[/i] life, with other males who are living the [i]man[/i] way of life. But to be honest, if the show is good and you're in on your own, sure I'd watch it. If the music was good, I'd listen to it no matter who made it.
Edited by Onion Beetle: 5/17/2013 2:06:36 PMYou're gay! LOL everyone point and laugh at Sgt Fgt
But busting each others balls is a time honored tradition. It's our way of telling our male friends we love them platonically.
[quote]If a guy wants to watch shows deemed for women (like The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Glee, Gossip Girl), don’t criticize him. If he wants to listen to Justin Bieber, or The Jonas Brothers, don’t castigate him. You might retort with that all of those show and songs suck regardless of his gender. If it is as simple as that, then why don’t women get as much crap for watching those shows or listening to that music?[/quote] Let's take this forum. It's OK for the users to watch kids shows like Spongebob, Ed, Edd and Eddy and what not. But it's wrong for a user to watch MLP: Friendship Is Magic. I understand it's a show for little girls, but it's the same principle though. Both users are watching shows for little kids.
Edited by die wily: 5/16/2013 7:24:28 PM[quote]If a guy wants to watch shows "deemed for women" (like The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Glee, Gossip Girl), don’t criticize him.[/quote]With those examples, I certainly would criticize his bad taste in television. [quote]If it is as simple as that, then why don’t women get as much crap for watching those shows or listening to that music?[/quote]They should. [quote]Women can partake in many things that are considered predominately masculine, and it is more or less socially accepted.[/quote]This is where I say shut up and show me your studies. You seem to be just running off biases here. But I agree with your gist, that people shouldn't be liked or disliked based on their going with or against traditional notions of gender.
I was going to call you out on your name but most of what you say makes perfect sense. It's a natural instinct, pack animals always pick on members of the pack who act/look differently because they're different and could be a threat to the pack. That said, a man liking Justin beiber is like the pope worshiping the devil.
[quote]If a guy wants to watch shows "deemed for women" (like The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Glee, Gossip Girl), don’t criticize him. If he wants to listen to Justin Bieber, or The Jonas Brothers, don’t castigate him.[/quote]nah
Op is a G. And not a Gangster G.
Stop being a -blam!-ing woman are you won't get bullied OP.
Yeah let me get right on with fixing that, along with famine, war, hunger, in-equality, slave trading, genocide, child labor, human trafficking etc.
the thing is, women are the target audience for Real Housewives and Justin Bieber, so of course they aren't gonna get as much stick for watching / listening to them. just like grown men who don't get stick for liking Ice Road Truckers. the show's aimed at them so, in terms of the social norms, they 'should' like it (or, they won't get flak for liking it). i'm not saying that it's the same for men and women or that either is good, but it happens and there's a reason why it happens.