originally posted in:Secular Sevens
Since school has been winding down for me, I've been blogging more often. So, I present to you a two part piece on the question of Europe's strategic value to the United States. In an age of fiscal austerity and demanding strategic priorities, it is my opinion that the United States should draw down its total force by about 40,000 troops.
[url=http://thelineofsteel.blogspot.com/2013/05/is-europe-worth-trouble.html]Part 1[/url]
[url=http://thelineofsteel.blogspot.com/2013/05/how-much-resources-should-we-put-into.html]Part 2[/url]
*as always, not an expert, yada, yada, yada
Europe should focus on beefing up their own militaries instead of relying on America under the banner of NATO. America has to start shifting its military focus to the Pacific to try and contain China and prevent them from becoming a superpower.
Since America didn't take care of Russia in WWII Russia still possess a military threat to Europe.
Europe has the largest military force and economy on the planet, you tell me
as an ally, yes, but i think europe should learn to deal with its own stupid problems and we shouldnt have to be based there.
Yes I agree most of the troops should go Europe has a large army that can fend for it self.
Who is going to take care of Europe when the Russians begin their conquest of Europe?
Well, events in the past year have proven that Special Forces and USAF Formations should be unaffected by such a draw down. But without any foreseeable threats to our European allies from anyone on the continent and no threat to the US mainland that would require our forces to be spread out to provide a form of offensive capability, a draw down of 40,000 troops seems reasonable at this time based on what I have seen from the press and other public sources.
Europe has enough military by itself. GTFO USA. Please?
Well I no nothing about military stuff unless A) Something major happens B) You post it I agree with you, America doesn't need the large amounts of military equipment/troops in Europe, especially since they are going through an economic crisis as we speak. 5.6 trillion dollars is [b]a lot[/b] of debt. However there are still interest and usefulness in Europe (close proximity to the middle east) that still make it valuable. The sensible thing would be to cut down anything that is not majorly contributing. Btw good blogs especially the one on the history of Afghanistan :D
Let Europe carry a little more of its own weight.