originally posted in:Secular Sevens
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book [i]Why Atheism Will Replace Religion[/i]. A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that "Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries"-
[i]"In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism."[/i]
His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
Nope, way too optimistic. We'll be long gone when religion is gone for good and only thought of as mythology by the masses.
I highly doubt it, but...
I highly doubt it. There is no way that over 90% of the US will drop their faith by 2041.
What a wonderful future he's dreaming off....
Hahaha. Fat chance, Christians are going to keep teaching their children Christian values for a while.
Eh... I doubt it.
This is stupid. The same claim seems to surface every 100 years or so. Philosophers have been claiming religion will "go away" for hundreds of years now. Give me a break.
There's religion in Futurama. [i]Are you gonna argue with Futurama?[/i]
One can only hope.
Disappear entirely? [i]Hahahaha![/i]
I am looking at the global political landscape and I am peeing with laughter.
I think that is extremely false. Today's theists won't even be dead in 30 years.
2041? Religion has lasted for thousands of years. That man is an idiot. I'm going to be alive in 2041 and I'm not giving my God up.
Religion won't die, it'll just adapt.
30 years? I have my doubts. Unless he's only talking about developed nations, I don't see how that's possible.
Edited by Ryan: 7/26/2013 7:59:35 PMI highly doubt it will be "completely irrelevant" by 2041, but I do suspect its influence over many people's lives will be greatly lessened. It's funny, but when I am at college, I generally assume that everyone I meet is an atheist/irreligious. Now that obviously isn't true, but I just feel like most of the people that I know, in college, either aren't religious or show no strong religious beliefs. Granted, several of the people that I know identify as LGBT (myself included but I am not out to many) so that certainly can affect who I meet.
and nothing of value was lost
[i]The basic human need to be watched was once satisfied by God; now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.[/i]
Not all that hard to believe here, I probably interact with less than one religious person a day on average.
lol religion is already completely irrelevant in 2013 though.
It will probably lose its influence on people and society as a whole a good deal but I highly doubt it will "disappear". I just think it's interesting that eventually somewhere down the road modern-day religions will be looked at nothing more than mythology just like Greek, Norse, and other pagan religions. Whether it gives way to some other new religious belief or the idea of religion goes away entirely.
doubt it inb4nuclearwarparanoia
I read that as 2014 and was like ''heeeeeell yeah.'' But yeah I've had an intuition that something like this is true for a while. Like, atheists tend to be a huge minority in general, but in my experience with younger people it's more prevalent. And I'm sure this difference will be even more existent in coming generations. However, that said, I feel like religion is something that will only approach ''completely disappearing'' in the foreseeable future, not actually get there.
I hope so, or at least the papacy and other powerful religious thingies will be irrelevant.