originally posted in:Secular Sevens
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHP1LXWOOoI]Representative Duncan Hunter recently made a statement on C-SPAN advocating for the use of tactical nuclear weaponry against Iranian nuclear facilities should we have to disable their capability.[/url] What. The. Hell.
First off, the disproportionate use of force against a non-nuclear state is absolutely immoral. Just war doctrine calls for proportionate retaliation, and nuking one state for having the capability to become a nuclear power is certainly not proportionate. Second, his statements justify the call for a nuclear deterrent by many hardliners within the regime. Third, this is most certainly going to be used against us in an effort to tarnish our commitment to the nuclear deal. Fourth, ending the norm of not using nuclear weapons--thus unhinging a precarious nuclear standard where states abstain from their use conventionally--is counter intuitive to American national security. Fifth, more states are going to seek out a nuclear deterrent because they don't want to be targeted by the United States' nuclear arsenal. Sixth, this would not move them back several decades. They'd be able to regain their capability fairly quickly, necessitating yet another strike against their facilities. Seventh, there is the potential for rapid escalation wherein Iran actually closes down the Strait of Hormuz or deploys a dirty bomb against either the United States or one of our allies.
What the -blam!-, California? Stop electing dipshits to Congress.
Just when Iran and America are mending relations? How much is Israel paying this guy?
Why he believes that would be necessary when America has the capability to use conventional bombs to the same end is beyond me.
While it will never probably happen, it doesn't hurt to have our enemies think we just might be crazy enough to do it.
Edited by WILLtheKILLA5: 12/13/2013 3:30:07 PM[quote]What the -blam!-, California? Stop electing dipshits to Congress.[/quote] That's a lot to ask of them.
Damn NCR. They know that the Mojav won't be damaged in the event of a nuclear war.
"[i]The atomics of each house are a birthright, they are never to be used in war, they are simply a final option that would prevent anyone from carrying a victory too far.[/i]" -Paul Atreides.
Right, because two primitive atomic bombs on imperial japan wasn't enough to show the world how disgustingly devastating they are. Screw me. Someone get that idiot out of congress!
Don't you remember McCain singing the Beach Boy's 'Barbara-Ann' as Bomb Iran? He's considered MODERATE, and almost became President. Some politicians want their penii to be replaced with a massive nuclear weapon.
>murica >"freedom" >kills people for shits and giggles
This is like that retard in the UK who said we should just Nuke half of pakistan to root out the Taliban in the mountains...
[quote]What the -blam!-, California? Stop electing dipshits to Congress.[/quote] It's not so much that California wants dipshits in Congress so much as it is that they can't find anyone from California who isn't a dipshit for them to elect.
I actually want Iran to develop nuclear weapons.
Don't worry he's just one of those useless committee guys that get overlooked by the brass. Right?
You look at this as though we should obey the Prime Directive from Star Trek. They're not another planet, they're another country. I do not condone the use of nuclear weapons in this situation, but not for the same reasons as you.
Senators are licking the ass of Israel so hard that they would do absolutely anything to guarantee that nothing can stop them. What's ironic? What about North Korea, who has FULL BLOWN nuclear weapons capabilities?
If Iran was actually using it's nuclear facilities for weapons then I would have no problem against military action
its similar to what America did to keep North Korea from getting uppity. flying a bomber over their airspace with literally no retaliation.
[quote]Stop electing dipshits to Congress.[/quote]literally impossible
Hm... Use nukes to destroy nukes... Nope.
Well that's one way to give Iran nuclear weapons.
We need a Dutchy committee so shit would get set straight.
[quote] What the -blam!-, California? Stop electing dipshits to Congress.[/quote] possible quote of the century? possibly.
And so it begins...
Edited by asir: 12/13/2013 5:42:31 AMI find it really really pathetic of us as humans that the lead scientist that created the original atomic bomb vehemently advocated a worldwide nuclear disarmament, and we can't even do that. Pretty -blam!-ing blind of us.