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Dads of Destiny UK PS4 I

"A community for UK gaming Dads!"

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  • Mission Statement

    This clan is part of Dads of Destiny UK PS4 an official clan an alliance of Dads of Destiny. This is the second group in our Alliance of 7 clans. Activity on Destiny is monitored via Destiny Tracker and any player that hasn't played the game for 3 months or longer will be removed so that we can keep an active group. Also please join our alliance group where you will find the chat room: [url=][/url]

  • Membership

    639 Members
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    10 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 I
8/20/2014 4:17:43 PM

Getting to know you

So as this special section of DoD takes off i thought it would be a good idea if new members could post a bit about themselves. i know we have the dad o base but until they get things moving properly with it i thought it may be a nice idea to read about this stuff from yourselves.

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  • Edited by SuperKungFuHero: 9/10/2016 5:57:59 PM
    Hey everybody. Hope you are all keeping well :) I'm a proud Dad of a little 2 year old (going on 8 lol) girl. All being well with a second little one on the way come March. I have been a gamer all my life but I now fit it in when I can scrape together some rare free time. I haven't played Destiny much since the beta and go live but I fancied trying again and joining in with a few like minded players. Oh and I'm from Northern Ireland [edit] 36 yrs old and counting. PSN ID SuperKungFuHero [end edit]. Thanks for the accepting my forum request :)

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  • Hi everyone I am a new member. I am 35 married to a destiny widow with 2 kids. I play as often as I can when I have the time, I am up for anything and I particularly enjoy PvP and trials (Although I am not very good). Feel free to add me PSN spacemonkey1981. I always enjoy playing with new people and having a laugh 😆

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  • Hi all, I'm 43, married to a tolerant wife & live In Norfolk. My son is 24 and at Uni. I play mainly during weekday days and if I'm lucky at the weekend too. I've been a gamer all my life, it was Elite that got me hooked, but alas all the years experience does not make one a great shot 😆

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  • Hey all, I'm a 30 year old American living in Europe. I have one daughter. I've been playing destiny since it launched, but stopped for a while right before year 2 launched. Now, I'm just getting back into it and catching up. Right now I have a 299 hunter and a 280 warlock. Joined up because I was looking for an English speaking group that's active on a similar time zone. I'm up for anything but especially like raid and strikes.

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  • Hi my name is Danny I am a new ps4 play, I am a XB1 player play with the DOD Euro XB1 clan who have a great clan base, anyhow I am 36 married with 4 children. I am currently getting my Titan up to raid spec before hopefully hitting it with a few of the clan members feel free to add me on PSN

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  • Hi everyone I'm Mike from North East England. I work nightshift and have a wife and 2 boys so as you can imagine getting game time is a pain. The reason I'm here is because I'm one of those who tried destiny at launch enjoyed it quite a bit but my psn friends left so I left too. With TTK I'm back and really enjoying the game and I'm looking for like minded individuals to group up and have fun with a few beers and a chit chat. Hit me up on psn:barrsidious I look forward to joining you

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  • Been playing Destiny for a year, never been in a clan and pretty much been doing solo but still at light 296 and had bags of fun. Would be great to team up for Nightfall or Raid as I have done neither. Have a daughter with special needs so game time is all over the place but still squeeze in some late night or early morning Destiny. All the best

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  • Hello all I'm new to this clan. I'm 27 with a 4 year old son. My psn I'd is ifrit747 I'm on most nights after my son and partner have gone to bed. Iv really just and campaign and in the crucible. My main character is lvl 40 and my others are 31 and 25.

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  • Hi all, James, 37 year old dad with not enough spare time! Been gaming since my Spectrum 48k and still loving it. Love destiny even more since TTK and happy to help anyone so give me a shout.

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  • [quote]So as this special section of DoD takes off i thought it would be a good idea if new members could post a bit about themselves. i know we have the dad o base but until they get things moving properly with it i thought it may be a nice idea to read about this stuff from yourselves.[/quote] Hi all, 28 dad of two boys 10months and almost three year old monsters. Looking for people to raid with and strike with not realy into crucible matches but play them now and again add me on psn if u want give me a shout any time if im online.

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  • Hi all, i'm from Norwich and have been an avid gamer for many years now. I have a 3 1/2 month old so gaming will most likely be restricted to the evening. I think i will mostly be concentrating on PVE as the Raids and Nightfall strikes look amazing. Looking forward to teaming up with you all.

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  • I'm Rich, 32, father of Arthur, an 8-month old bundle of awesomeness. I've been gaming since my dad bought me my first Atari in the 80s and I play all sorts of games; one of my favourite gaming experiences is playing D&D with a bunch of guys and a handful of dice! I'm playing a shotgun-toting Titan defender and I'm always looking for a Fireteam to protect. Feel free to add, my PSN is iChowd. How do I join DoD UK officially?

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    • Hi everyone! I joined the DoD group a while back but have only just got around to joining the clan. I'm a Dad to 2 little boys (3 and 1) with a third on the way. We live in Germany at the moment (I'm in the British Army) but are looking forward to coming back to the UK next year. I mostly play in the evenings from 2100 GMT, once my wife and the kids are fast asleep. Work always gets in the way though and I can never guarantee regular evenings or weekends. Hopefully there are other gamers out there with a more casual approach to games because of other commitments. I'm really looking forward to tackling Strikes and Raids with some of you. Cheers, Duncan (DuffDuncs on PS4)

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    • My names Mike. Married with two grown up daughters. Live in Northamptonshire and currently work in Derby. I've been gaming for 30 but usually stay away from fps multiplayer but I am loving destiny. I'm an aerospace Engineer so am prone to bring boring about mechanical/systems engineering but I do try and keep a lid on it :-) desperately need fireteam members for weekly strikes and playlist so please add me (proeliator2001). Also, no idea how to meet up in the game so any pointers appreciated (feeling a total noob about this!)

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      2 Replies
      • Hi all I'm chris a father of two, a boy and girl. Like many have been gaming a few years now. At present playing as level 21 warlock but need a group of like minded players to play team matches, etc. Psn I'd: chris0uk

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      • Hi all, My name is Stuart, I'm 40, married and have a 4 month old son. I've been gaming since the early days like alot of you and am loving this group, nice to know it's not just me! Hope to see you in game. Flute111

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      • Hey ya'll, I'm 35 with a 3 and half year old son who loves to race around in the I live in key west, fl and have been gaming since i was a kid. Didn't game throughout college...which might have helped at any rate, if you see a 26 level warlock shooting off into space on the moon, or just running a full court press on a rock in venus that is usually my son...(usually)

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        • Edited by Sharkeyboy1973: 9/20/2014 7:34:21 AM
          Hey all, I'm 41, and have two boys, one at 7, the other 2 and a half. Playing destiny since the game went live on the 9th, but work and family means I'm only just cracked lvl 15 with my titan. Nice to meet you all! PSN-Sharkeyboy1973

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        • Hi all im 40 dad of a 20 month old boy been playing destiny a few days now just hit lvl 14 and im a warlock loving the game 😄

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        • Hello im sean 34 from nottinghamshire father of 3 me and the mrs run a social club so gaming time is sparse usually on wednesday and friday evenings :-)

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        • Hello everyone, My name's Cerith. 36 years old with an 8 year old son. I work 12 hour shifts as 3rdline support for a large bank covering 24/7 meaning I have some odd gaming times, tend to play while everyone's at school/work and in the evenings of my days off. Gamer since the Amiga and recently made the transition from Xbox 360 to PS4. Played more Crucible than PvE so far, do have a mic but not much of a talker (reminds me too much of work! :-D) PSN ID is Captain_Spiffing

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        • Hi. I'm Sean. I've been gaming since the ZX Spectrum. I'm 44, married with a 13 year old daughter. I'm slowly working thru Destiny - level 10 but not started any moon missions. Dabbled in a spot of Crucible play - more spray & pray than clinical shooting - but am up for lots of co-op gaming. I've added my PSN ID to the list, but just in case you've not read it, it's WookieeWaykerz_1 Add me & say hello. Hopefully I'll see you online. I'm usually gaming from about 10pm most days. Cheers :)

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          • Hi I'm Tim, 41 and a father of an eight year old daughter and hopefully a son sometime around the 19th of this month. I work as a sys admin for a property portal and commute to London so don't really get a chance to play before 8pm weekdays. Like everyone else I trace my gaming back to stuff like Acorn Electron and Amiga's, since then I have been shooting, spending time on WoW and generally just playing everything I can lay my hands on. I think I have played with some clanmates already, please feel free to add stormkraake and invite me - I am happy to PVE and PVP.

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          • Hey, I'm 24 years old, have a baby bit, Caleb, 9 months old. I work as a software developer focusing on Qlilview Business Analysis. I usually get on after 7 pm as my wife puts Caleb down to bed. Great to hear form and play with everyone!

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            • Hi I'm Paul, 38 years old married with a three year old son. I'm an engineer and commute into London each day; so my play time is restricted to evenings between 19:00 and Midnight. Gaming has always been a big part of my life, from my first computer a 48k Spectrum, SNES, Amiga, Dreamcast, PC to my PS4. I have been playing online games as part of a clan since Half-Life, Destiny feels like PSO a big favourite of mine! See you online: PSN: Digital-Deviant

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            • Hi, I'm 38, married and father to two kids, 13 year old lad who games and a 6 year old daughter who is getting into her Nintendo DS gaming. I've been gaming since the Amstrad and Spectrum days, but with work and a busy home life; gaming has quite rightly taken a back seat. I get an hour or so usually Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I've never been part of a group or clan and only really started playing on line in the last couple of years. Really enjoyed the Alpha and Beta of Destiny and then saw the DOD article. Glad to hear there are loads more dads out there that game and am looking forward to kicking some Fallen butt with you guys.

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