originally posted in:Universal Myths
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Just if your wondering, mine is Human total aligned with dead orbit.
Main will be Awoken hunter, and will also have exo titan and human warlock at some point. I will just swap between the sub classes as needed. All will be female, tired of looking at male chars all the time while playing games. If I am going to be looking at something, might as well be something that is easy on the eyes right?
Play style: Cocky and aggressive Ballsy approaches and attacks, using enemy's focus and AI to lure into traps. Such as gaining attention of entire enemy group, luring them to an open spot, hiding, then grenades and spraying.
Awoken or exo sunsinger warlock second awoken or exo(depends on the warlock choice) defender titan
Mine is male exo with warlock
Edited by x7L7x: 9/6/2014 3:30:04 PMHuman Sunsinger Warlock. Support Type.
[b]Race Affiliation: [/b]Human Titan, New Monarchy (Currently). [b]Subclass:[/b] I'll balance between Defender & Striker with a slight lean towards Striker. [b]Playstyle:[/b] Aggressive but Smart. I have little issue engaging the enemy where & how I want. Its not His Battlefield but Mine. When I decide to attack its fast and fierce leaving little time for the enemy to do much. When I Play, the enemy is always the Prey.
Exo Titan. I really dig how the hunter looks, but the defender subclass seems like it is really suited to my playing style.
Exo Titan. I really dig how the hunter looks, but the defender subclass seems like it is really suited to my playing style.
Human Hunter. I might be an awoken just to be green.