originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Hey I'm looking for reliable friends to play with so I have a stable team to do raids and etc with add me Iroots808
If you guys are still looking. I just started. Active level 25 Hunter. Looking for more people to raid with. I have two friends, but our schedules conflict
Crota normal need 2 people
I know what ya mean, been trying to find regular raiders for a while add me GT: PS7CH0H0UND (spelt with zeros) i got 32 warlock, 31 hunter, 32 titan and all the weapons needed to do any raid, always lookin to raid, nightfall and happy to help anyone that needs it
i am joining you now
Add me Gt Capt_N3mo
if your ever planning on doing any raids i could help if you need someone GT passchamber
I will join branblomq007
add me
[quote]Hey I'm looking for reliable friends to play with so I have a stable team to do raids and etc with add me Iroots808[/quote] Sure I'm in the same boat as well I will make sure to add you
Aye wanna run some Croat story line, not raid.