originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Looking for a few people to join up in a Fireteam! I'm interested in doing raids and strikes with serious gamers who talk to each other while playing. Add my gamertag and send me a message if you're interested! xXxX OP XxXx
I'm interested hit me up if you wanna play! Hen JB
I'm game. I'm a lvl 25 sun singer. gamer tag is same as user name
I am level 27 hunter add me TheSneakyStraw
Add me please SkullCrusherNG
Level 30 Warlock. Gt: GoldPandaRob40
Lvl 30 hunter interested gt MR MAXW3LL
I don't have a mic, but that's made little difference so far (I have successfully raided the Vault several times). Could I join anyway?
GT eddiemunks321 lvl29 lock lvl26 hunter lvl24 Titan really wana try the raid just need some more friends also up for weekly/nightfall strike 4 each character add me, I'm on most evenings UK time zone
I'll join
Edited by CensingCobra145: 11/9/2014 6:27:38 AM[quote]Looking for a few people to join up in a Fireteam! I'm interested in doing raids and strikes with serious gamers who talk to each other while playing.
I'll play
Add me. VenomousDuck00
Add me! 👍👍 toxitank0301.. Just got the game yesterday but I'm level 15 and grinding my tits off
Kerri Louuu x
Add Galebert I'm always up for a Strike or Raid.
Lvl 24 warlock and I'm down to play. You should add me GT: LLazy Clock
Hey I'm stampie on XB1 I'm in CA and would like to play message me about this if that's ok I'm a lvl 9 Titan with ok gear. Thanks