originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Im looking for people to play with on xbox one gamer tag is WhiskeredTomb0
[quote]Im looking for people to play with on xbox one gamer tag is WhiskeredTomb0[/quote Looking to raid -lvl 27 warlock
GT: xArchAngel717x lvl27 warlock and a lvl25 Titan. I'm down for whatever
My gt is: jvrmrc Im a lvl 27 almost 28 hunter Id do dailys weeklys raids anything, online 6 days a week, got mic
I am down for whatever. I do need help with an exotic bounty. Lvl 27 warlock sunslinger Gt: MillerMillion
GT sh4dowst3p 26 Titan and warlock. I'll do anything near my level weeklys raid whatever
GT: AWSOMER THAN U 27 Hunter XboxOne with a mic Available most days for raids, strikes etc
Yaboyshizzyb 28 Titan Xbox 1 with mic Down for Weeklys and Vog Please be at least 26
27 hunter looking to raid and nightfall
GT: DCMx Lucky Level 26 hunter looking to raid
Xbl gamer tag roman f baby add me for crucible or vault
XB1 gamertag ExemptedSlinky Level 20 hunter
XB1 GamerTag: BreweryCat80 Lvl 15 Hunter. Looking to level and eventually raid.
Xbox one: Promo PMYE Lvl 25 hunter. Ready to play whatever.
Gamer tag beachboy808. Warlock lvl 25
Looking for people to do weekly instances with and raids soon, 24 Titan, Gametag SarumanTheSack
Level 25 Titan wafflingfoot208
Edited by imKRose: 9/19/2014 12:01:33 AMHaitianBigBoi ... Level 21 Titan
Edited by SlowBurnZ 91: 9/18/2014 11:55:36 PMGT SlowBurnZ91 lvl 23 Hunter
vX LoNE WoLF Xz level 27 hunter need raid parties
Gt hold my stix 23 hunter
X1 chef 1x ... 23 def Titan gearing up now
Gold1e 3
Add me: poondaddy493. Always looking to play
GT: BuffetlineDLX I'm on most evenings (US central time) I'm a 19 Titan so I'm mostly just doing strike playlists at the moment, so add me if you ever want to run any. Got a mic and all that
GT same as name lvl 25 warlock atm