originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Myself and 2 friends have all hit level 26 and are looking for 3 others to join us in weekly PvE progression mainly focusing on the upcoming raids.
We are looking for patient, mature players who want to cover new content and push our gaming to the limits!
I am an experienced raider from a range of multiple MMOs, so i hope Destiny raiding is going to be the same experience!
Message me if interested :)
I'm level 27 about to be level 28 titan defender team player on xbox one . Looking for a raiding team message me. PoloMaster619
I would like to raid with y'all I'm a 26 gunslinger and a pretty good player
Lvl 27 titan when do you plan to start
Lvl 26 Hunter looking to join. GT: SiC shinobi
I'm a Lvl 26 hunter. GT is "Its Magikal". I have experience in raid from playing WoW over the years. Would love to raid on Destiny.
Hey man, I'm a level 24 Titan at the moment but I'd love the chance to raid with you guys. I'm trying to get to 26 before the raid opens. I also have lots of experience with mmos so I understand communication is key. Let me know what you think!
Hey I'm looking to do the raids. My tag is NAMIDEUS, level 26 Striker. I have a level 26 Defender friend also looking to join in. We're both usually on from 4PM to 11PM MST.
Hey. I'm a level 23 warlock. I'm looking to raid :). I have mmo experience w wow
Edited by SniperDELUXO: 9/17/2014 12:32:05 AMMe and my friend need raiding members too, he's working to be level 26, I'm level 27 hunter, I just don't have legend weapons Blade dancer makes it easy to go and revive people, I'm eastern time
GT: TheMuffinMan347 add me! keen as :)
Edited by MrS0lo: 9/16/2014 8:45:42 AMTwo raiders, Level 26 warlock and 26 hunter. Heroic WoW raids in past. Excellent destiny skills. Gamertag: MrS0lo. Will be higher tomorrow. Oh and we both have exotic primaries.
Lvl 25 warlock looking for raiders to raid with GT same as name
Lvl 26 titan full talents in both striker and defender. PSN: Hhalaa
I'm interested lvl 25 warlock/sun singer with self revive gt same name on here
I'm only a 19 Titan as of now, but I'm on most evenings (American, central time) so I'll be leveled quickly. Feel free to add me BuffetlineDLX. I've got a mic and whatnot and am ready to start the raids. If you ever need anyone for strike playlist let me know also!
Hello, I am a 26 almost 27 Warlock. I play hawaii time. Will be happy to join if you need. GT is same as username.
GT: Yingyng I'm a level 24 hunter with friends who want to raid also. Add me and we'll discuss times
Edited by OG Elden: 9/15/2014 11:47:13 AMHawaii time
I'm a level 26 hunter :D My timezone is UTC - 10 IGN: DenDen808 Message me online.
I'm a level 25 hunter my gt is UnderBoss126
Edited by The Stytch: 9/15/2014 9:33:52 AMI'm 22 hunter atm but i hope to hit 26 by the time the raid drops. I've raided in MMOs for around 10 years, so i know how raiding works assuming this is the same idea. It doesn't seem to be showing my name or my phones messing up the site, but my Gamer Tag is "The Stytch"
GT xx Lester K xx
I'm lvl 24 defender titan would love to raid
I'm definitely down. I'm currently level 25 hunter but I should be able to get 26 by the time the raid drops. Gt is Ay Rue.