originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Level 26 warlock. Looking for east coast or close raiders. 25+ already only reply thanks
Lvl 27 rady to raid
Edited by SniperDELUXO: 9/17/2014 12:57:31 AMI'm a level 27hunter, got a level 25 warlock friend and were looking to raid too, were both east coast Gamertag is SniperDELUXO
Hey everyone, level 26 Titan here looking for a group to raid with and do some weekly strikes with. Almost 27 just hit me up. Gt - claymorekiller
26 Titan : youngjo23 26 hunter : tman1777 Eastern time also. Hit us up.
Yo I'm a lvl 25 warlock looking for raiders for when it comes out