originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Hi im a lvl 26 gunslinger but i have almost maxed out bladedancer too ( blink ) comment, msg or add and i'll see u on sunday
EVERYBODY I HAVE A ERROR! i have picked a team but 1 of em is gone and i have problems whit gold so the raid will be delayed
Greeter is SmokeyGotKush
Is raid still going on
I'll be there without fail. Looking forward to it. See you tomorrow gentlemen.
EVERYBODY THE TEAM IS OFFICIAL! The members are: Brutalmeele(me), Xxep1cxHeroxX, HAWAIIANPINAPPL, TheMisterSir, AR BrbPooping and Fakinell are the lucky guardians who will become super ultra omega awesome legends on sunday AM EDT
Send me a FR and a message with time Tag - Fakinell
Okay everybody i have some (un)official members of the raid clan its me (of course) XxEp1cxHeroxX, Fakinell (he has all rights to ''retire'') AR brb pooping and Hawaiianpinappl and his friend ( better communication whit friends ) note: i may change but im currently not home so things are a little bit messy but this is a fireteam that might work and srry ur others :( but use this post and create groups togeder i think its enouch 4 2 groups here ;)
Have you chosen who youre gonna go with yet?
Sr blu
What time lvl 27 warlock max out void walker and almost max out sunslinger gt is SmokeyGotKush have mic and what time do u plan on doing it
Level 28 Hunter at your service Gt: Silas 246
UPDATE: If everybody is ready to raid at 10 EDT on the morning then i can make a team
it is so many that has requested a join im so happy that so many want to team up but the bad thing is that its only 5 lucky guardians that will be abel and the rest of u can create another team and of course i will do it fair whit some1 that has the time that maches whit the others and that will do this raid weekly and later on hard and i have a friend that may join but i wont priorytise him some more then the rest of ur strangers but he is ''on top of the comment list'' as i will be going down and find u guys but some will be skipped if the time doesent mach the others so when u write the time that fits u say it like this from 14 EDT-20 EDT and then i understan that u are ready to play in that time and other may say 12EDT-17EDT and then i need to start the raid on 14 EDT and hopefully end it till 17EDT so if u understand it now comment away let me do the work and then we got a team
i can have the time that fits u guys best i can have it at 10 EDT on the morning or 13 if u guys want that or whatever comment the time that fit u guys and i will say a time that maches all of the 6 players, get ready to gear up and kick some vex
Lvl 26 (it'll be higher by Sunday) sunsinger warlock gt: gutsydragoon666 Add me if you're still looking for guys I'm down to play
Just need a time...
Got a 28 warlock and a 27 titan friend ready for sunday if you still have room
Note: ill start the raid on sunday
I'll be down for Sunday. Gamertag: x Ellessdee x
What time?
What Time Sunday?