Gt is my username btw VenoM x VorteX
I'll do normal VoG I'm lvl 27 hunter
Invite me I'm lvl26 on Xbox one
I'm down inv me
I'm down, Lvl 27 Titan w defender Gt my ninja 00000
I'm down
Need more? Kuffdelight 26 Titan
Im keen for vog pablomeboi
Lvl 29 Hunter.. Gurty Beats
Z not s my bad
Gamer tag is sTrK Tr1cKSh0Ts if not change 1 to I
Lvl 28. Know VoC methods. Got mic. GT: SHARPO35
Up for nightfall... Gt above
We have 3. I say we start the party and then get more from the forum. Invite me.
Count me in. Mutantcleric826
I'm in for VOG. Lvl 29 titan