Send me invite level 28 warlock. VOG raid. Gt: SILLYxxSNlPER ATTENTION: The I in sniper is a lower case L
Looking for hard vog fire team Xbox1 great DROPP1NGBOMBS message for invite
Add me..GT is B52H SPO GUY Hunter 31 Titan 28
Good to go, I'm online now. ID: Iceman Extreme Warlock 29 Mic'd
[quote]VaultOfGlass XboxOne[/quote] Gt ButterGod98231 INVITE PLEASE!!!
Level 30 titan here. GT Ragsoholic
Urban Red132 LVL 28 warlock
Please add T3h Elit3 On3 lvl 27 hunter
Please add me GoldenHeart17 lv26 hunter
Please add YetiHumor
Hobbs519 my friend can join to invite
[quote]VaultOfGlass XboxOne[/quote] Lol 31 Warlock add plz XBOX one
How do I join
Warlock 32 invite xxx m0nch0 xxx use zeros
Need three msg me same gt xbox onr
Looking for people to do normal vog GT: Tg x fuSiONzZz
Need help volt of glas
Iam down
Normal or hard
Lvl 30 gunslinger gt same
Remainshuman, down for some VOG
Lvl 27 hunter, tag: UltraRockEasy
lvl 29 warlock really need to deo VOG!
Lv 27 Hunter. Gt: Bam8amBam
Ad me plz. bcfcjaffa Lvl 30 Hunter. Always on lookout for VOG, want to do hard vog and crota raids , nightfall. Always willing to just help others out
SS xTaNk Lvl30 warlock