originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Anyone intrested in a normal difficulty VOG? I'm lvl 26 titan (now 27) and am bored of Vanguard ROC farming. I have beaten it before on a lvl 26 warlock
I'm in if you wanna do it again
I want to do the raid I'm a lvl 24 Titan GT: DROooPpy
Add me. Gt: Agent Coffman. Lvl 27 Titan
ill play with you
[quote]Anyone intrested in a normal difficulty VOG? I'm lvl 26 titan and am bored of Vanguard ROC farming. I have beaten it before on a lvl 26 warlock.[/quote] Also Gtag is TrKz Scopezz
lvl 29 hunter i have a mic and GT: I EAT poptarts1