originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Need to get a group of another four people together to start the raid missions tonight. I'll be on from 7pm until 10pm. Party chat welcome.
My game tag is monkey69boy lvl 29 and I have one other player ready at level 31.
Want players willing to help one another out with raid and various other mission. Open to strikes also.
Lvl 29 Hunter Gamertag: D B PAIN
I'm in. Lvl 29 titan. GT same as name.
Im titan lvl 30, but i just need radiant shards to upgrade raid gear for lvl 31 and a half
Edited by Gareth: 12/30/2014 4:58:26 PMWhat console are you on Sorry didn't read properly add me in if I'm not doing something already lvl 31 warlock my gt is GAZWJ
3 hours you runnin it 3 times?