originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
GT: TheElfPunk V2
Titan-Level 26
Add me on X1 or post your gamer tag and I'll add you...
Mr M R Moore lvl 26 hunter
We are excited that you are using our forums to look for other Guardians to play with. We've added a section for recruiting with a recent update to Bungie.net. I'll be moving your post there.
GT - retraxX
CT: Khaltryze lvl 29 Warlock, VoG and Crota exp
Recruitment is a better sub forum for this
[quote]GT: TheElfPunk V2 Titan-Level 26 Add me on X1 or post your gamer tag and I'll add you...[/quote] Inv Wachtla
GT: Bromek PL I will gladly raid for the first time.
GT: SourWatermelon I'll play with anyone as long as we can do some stuff I wanna do after
Still looking? Gamer tag ds cmurda05. Have done it yet.
[quote]GT: TheElfPunk V2 Titan-Level 26 Add me on X1 or post your gamer tag and I'll add you...[/quote] GT Craziee invite me
[quote]GT: TheElfPunk V2 Titan-Level 26 Add me on X1 or post your gamer tag and I'll add you...[/quote] Gt llx420xlGhost
Add me gt: theASSASSIN145
Gt: Boss F1ght