originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Please help guys, post your gamertag in the comments and I'll add you?
34 hunter looking for a hard atheon cp I have a 34 titan and warlock as well if someone wants to run it multiple times gt:ian j 17
34 Titan looking for a fresh run
Need 5 for fresh run VOG hard message TRIGG3R KiiLLS for inv
KENTRON149 Titan
Vog hard or normal fresh
Message me on Xbox for an invite f
Need about four-five people to do vog on hard (fresh). If you want to join then please msg me at my gt: Laroldthapayrol
Lv 34 looking to do fresh vog on hard gt Fallen One6219
Need 4 for vault of glass on hard gt Fallen One6219
Need 4 for vault of glass on hard gt Fallen One6219
Need 3 for VoG hard message Gt: Swifty Legion
-LV 34 warlock, max gally, looking to fresh VoG hard , gt same as above
Need 4 more people for hard gatekeeper checkpoint! Message F3AR ELiT3 for invite!
33 sunsinger with max gally lf hard
AwesomeHarry1 and XxGooeyLoui5xX both Level 32
level 32 hunter with mic, looking for group. GT: GamesDontlikeMe
Hard vog at maze checkpoint message me on Xbox for an invite
Vog normal Got 5 need 1. Atheon CP XM marcvdc xiii Msg or join
Need 2 for fresh vog hard run. My gt is JTemplet
Doing fresh run hard messege me for invite
Level 32 hunter with mic, looking for group. Got all the time. Gt: GamesDontlikeMe
Need 2 for gatekeeper. Message D4MED K1LL3R
Level 34 titan. Need group, have galley. Message me Cr3wsadeKK
Level 32 hunter with mic, looking for group. Got all the time. Gt: GamesDontlikeMe
Lvl 34 hunter need templar, for VOC
Message me on Xbox for an invite must be confident at vault