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originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
Edited by Jaaake AU: 11/13/2013 3:26:12 PM

Lolzone: Shadow Lawls.

[url=]Kotaku: NO.[/url] [quote]Shadow Fall tries very hard to be a cautionary tale about warmongering, the politics of crisis and What's Going On in the World Today. And, y'know, maybe some 15-year-old will play this and Shadow Fall's 'the enemies are human beings just like us' shtick will give them pause. But this game's being aimed squarely at would-be PS4 owners, adults who have lived and played through that kind of revelation in other, better games and entertainments. They're also people who have different FPS games to choose from, even on a system as brand-spanking-new as the PS4. Killzone Shadow Fall succeeds as an example of how amazing a PS4 game can look but feels mysteriously devoid of the secret ingredient that takes games from great-looking to great-feeling.[/quote] [url=]Polygon: 5/10[/url] [quote]That absence of meaningful evolution might be Killzone: Shadow Fall’s biggest sin. For all the next-gen bluster of its visuals and the repeated blunt-force attempts to ram a message home, Guerilla’s first shot on the PS4 retreads shooter cliches, and poorly. In a launch lineup crowded with shooters, Killzone: Shadow Fall sits at the bottom.[/quote] [url=]Videogamer: Lawl.[/url] [quote]Again, it's not terrible, just rather played out. What is terrible, however, is that the button for crouch is the same for climbing ladders, making ledge sniping a nice guessing game; that NPC faces are often identical; or that you can enter a Helghan slum and be berated for being Vektan master race scum, but shoot someone's wife and watch everyone collectively shrug... Like Crytek and its flagship series, Guerrilla Games is a master at creating technically excellent but utterly lifeless titles – the 'game' element is seemingly little more than an interactive showcase for its skills. Killzone: Shadow Fall is both ahead and behind the times, with gameplay sadly falling into the latter category.[/quote] TL;DR? Game is trash. Pretty, but trash. Not sure why Sony fanboys were riding this dick so hard* [spoiler]*Obvious trollbait is obvious. Other reviews seem to be hovering around ~7.5/10.[/spoiler] Can't say that I'm surprised... but I have noticed a trend of AAA shooters not scoring as high as they once did. Even Call of Duty Ghosts dropped from previous years, if I'm not mistaken.

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  • I've sort of noticed three things. First, companies are focusing more and more on graphics instead of fundamental things, such as story and gameplay. Commercials focus on these improved graphics, which makes games seem like they will be amazing. When the game comes out, however, people realize that graphics only do so much for the game, and that the story/gameplay itself needs improvement. Second, there has been no real revolution in the core mechanics of an FPS in years. We are on Halo 6 (including ODST and Reach), Call of Duty 10, Battlefield 4, Killzone 4 (6 if you include the two handheld titles), etc., and the way you play has not changed. Third, I remember in the 90s when platformers (Mario, Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, etc.) were huge. Every genre seems to wear itself out, and I believe, after many years, that the FPS is finally doing this. Tl;dr : Companies focus too much on graphics, no new revolutionary mechanics in FPS genre, FPS genre has run its course.

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