originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
Can you guys describe the chemical structure of Caffeine? I am only in Gen Chem 2 and have no -blam!-ing clue. Thanks
[url=http://lmgtfy.com/?q=caffeine+structure][spoiler]what are they teaching you?[/spoiler][/url]
Well [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Caffeine-2D-skeletal.svg]here's[/url] a structural diagram of a caffeine molecule. Let's examine it: First off, it has two ketone groups (the double bonded oxygens). Also, the five membered ring is aromatic because the bonds are alternating between single and double bonds (in resonance). Other than that, there are 4 nitrogen atoms connected to carbon atoms, with three of them being connected to methyl (CH3) groups. I may have missed one or two, but I otherwise I think that's about it.