originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
I don't own any guns yet, but I certainly plan on purchasing them in the future for defense and target ranges. My state its illegal to be strapped, but hopefully in the future we can conceal carry.
This is my favorite gun
what it is with Americans and owning guns?
I feel like posting my updated Moist Nugget It now serves 3 purposes. 1. To make Hippies cry 2. To Make Russians Cry 3. To be badass. Yet it is still not complete. I think I may end up getting a synthetic stock for it just to make it look scarier. Also, need stuff to sucker onto the picatiny rails on the side.
My family owns 5 firearms. Two .22 rifles (one's a Ruger, the other is a bolt-action) plus a .22 pistol that jams like crazy. We also have a Mosin-Nagant carbine and a Lee Enfield. We got the Enfield coated in cosmoline a few years back and I personally disassembled and cleaned out every square millimeter of that thing, which was great fun. The bigger guns cost us like a buck a round, so we almost never shoot them anymore and as a result we're looking to get rid of them.
I inherited a Wilson Combat 1911 .45 and got my license because of that. WAY too heavy and bulky for an EDC so I got a G19.
My dick is the only gun pistol I need.
Seems unlikely with what's going on now.[quote]but hopefully in the future we can conceal carry.[/quote]
I own a .270 WSM and a .50 Muzzleloader. They put big holes in pumpkins.
Do biceps and core count?
[url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100908005055/halo/images/f/f0/Plasmarifle.png]And this[/url].
You are all beaten.
The .45 Glock 21 is my every day CCW. I also have a [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Glock_26.JPG]G26[/url], a ruger [url=http://cdn2.cheaperthandirt.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ruger1022.jpg]10/22 carbine[/url], and i just payed for a ruger [url=http://www.ruger.com/products/miniThirty/images/5806.jpg]mini 30[/url].
My Kimber 1911 Custom II Stainless, cleaned, oiled, and ready to be reassembled a few nights ago :-)
u jelly?
Red solo cups won't even see it coming.
[url=http://www.macadamizer.com/misc/Savage.JPG].300 Savage[/url] I got it from my dad, who got it from his grandfather. It's old, and we have trouble finding ammo for it at stores when we go target practicing.
My babies. My 91/30 Volkura and my Remington 870 12 gauge that I call, "The Beast." The Beast stays close at hand with two rounds of buck shot in the magazine. Just gotta release the slide and chamber the round and I will be good to go if I need to. Also, those who are sticklers for historical accuracy. I sort of maybe put a rail system and scope on my 91/30. [url=http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/spartanmk1/DSC05625_zps328149bc.jpg]Which sorta kinda added an extra two pounds to the beast of a rifle.[/url]
Edited by Milk: 2/17/2013 12:18:32 PM[url=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b386/Kooldragon13/Gun/photo.jpg]Glock 30 SF[/url].
Holy shit a Kikashi Thread worth posting in I have a Mosin Nagant 1943 M91/30 all matching Serials. Manufactured in Izhevsk
I've got a Ruger 10/22. I purchased a S&W M&P Compact in 9mm but they're waiting on it's availability to order one. On the bright I managed to get a 500 round box of .22lr for 36.99 and 2 boxes of 50 rounds of 9mm for 16.99 this week.
Kikashi with guns. baaaaddd idearrrrr
Here they are.
Edited by Pfhortnite: 2/16/2013 9:32:10 PMI might be getting a Gewehr 88 tomorrow, but other than that I just have a .22.
While we're on the subject, does anyone know how to deal with pitting on the outside of barrels? I want to get my dad to refinish a few of the guns because they were stuck in an attic for 18 years without care and love and were just made worse. I really don't care about collector value or monetary value being lessened by the refinishing because these will always stay in the family.
I'm Australian and I don't own a farm.
Those pointing right are mine, those pointing left are my wife's.