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originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
Edited by A 3 Legged Goat: 3/20/2013 7:27:21 AM

Post your near-death or other terrifying experiences

Have you ever been truly terrified? I'm not talking about monsters under your bed, a spider falling on your desk, somebody sneaking up on you, or even a corn maze on Halloween. No, this is about those vehicular accidents, falls, illnesses, armed robberies, natural disasters, and any other fight-or-flight moments you've been through. What were they, and how did you react?

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  • There was once this weird time where I was Lucid Dreaming but I couldn't wake up and I was stuck for what felt like two hours in this very disorienting dream that would constantly "snap" back to its starting point. Freaky as hell.

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    • Falling out of the top of a tree. On my face.

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    • I don't remember it but when I was very young I almost drowned when I fell in a swimming pool. Apparently I just sat at the bottom until someone dived in to get me out.

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    • Edited by SergeantFlood: 3/21/2013 1:18:07 AM
      A few years ago I flipped my car on it's side, I hit my head as a kid (blood was everywhere, it was awesome) but that one probably doesn't count, I almost got stabbed when I was in a fight with my family and almost got hit by a car several times back in high school (but who wasn't almost hit by a car when they were in high school?).

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    • I got my skull cracked as a toddler, explains a lot really. Also there was this one time I was choking on a cherry and stopped breathing entirely. So I hacked it out, caught it in my teeth and ate it again.

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    • the clock ticked down, i sat in the corner finger on the trigger ready for anything that came around the corner, one of them jumped around the corner, i blasted it to oblivion and pumped a fresh shell into my weapon, luckily I had let a lot of the others do the killing so I was good for ammunition, the clock ticked down even more, i was thirty seconds away from evac when my last comrade was killed, a voice shouted through my helmet "Last Man Standing" is said, my face went pale and true terror shook me as I saw the hordes of the undead charge towards my position, "15 seconds left" I reassured myself waiting for the bulk of the infected to clamber up into the building, the first one popped his head around the corner, I blasted it's head off and jumped down from the 1st story, I dashed for my life as I saw the falcon fly into position "move in front of the man cannon" I ordered to the pilot as i turned around and shot a pair of infected who were too close for comfort, the falcon was in position as the side gunner was mowing down the stragglers at the back, I ran into the man cannon and was propelled towards the falcon, I grabbed the falcon and climbed in as the infected chased after me, getting riddled full of bullets instead by the gunner, the falcon flew off as I sat in the side seat, I took off my helmet and let out a sigh of relief, grateful that I was alive...

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    • Edited by Saleem: 3/21/2013 12:45:38 AM
      I almost drowned once, I don't remember how old I was but I'm sure I was younger than 7. Then there was a parade and the Clydesdales stampeded. Again, I don't remember how young I was.

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    • Im old, so there are many. At 5 years of age in cali, i was riding a bike near the house in the morning, when a drunk driver in a truck ran me over, luckily the truck was lifted, and i slid under with no harm, bike got destroyed. 8 years old i contracted a rare bacteria that caused me to cough bits of my lung up, it was caught so late i had my last rights read to me while in a french intensive care unit. At 9 i was downhill skiing with my father in Norway, when a fog came in, dodged another skiier, and lodged myself into the snowbank. A cold sensation on my side revealed a 2" sharp branch had ripped my jacket to shreds, an inch more and i would have been impaled. At ten in belgium, i was playing with a friend near a water drainage pipe, i slipped and felt a stinging sensation in my leg, my friend went white, when i looked down , i had managed to cut two 8" long 4" deep gashes in my leg to the bone. Suffice to say, it freaked my parents out, the nerve damage was pretty bad. In my driving career i have been involved in twelve accidents, 1 i was at fault for. The worst was in a van, on the way to a phish concert. The person driving wasn't paying attention and upon approaching traffic, went for the open lane, we were the final car in a 26 car pile up, 55 mph to a dead stop. Riding bmx, i have had many near calls riding relating to brain injuries, same with snowboarding. Ive been robbed three times at gun point, and once got cold cocked with the gun from behind. Tis why i conceal carry. I have had three death threats direcvted towards me from convicted felons i got arrested. Another reason i carry. I have many more, and when i think of them, ill be sure to add. Tis been an eventful life so far, and im not even touching on the amazing shit ive seen to be honest.

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      9 Replies
      • I haven't been in any major disasters, there was an earthquake a couple days ago, but nothing like "Im going to die" The only near death experience was walking out infront of a car when I was a kid, nothing major.

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      • It traumatised me.

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        • See my thread about being scared for my full post, if you want. The link is above (not that anyone will read nor care). Driving in my Dad's car on the way to buy a car for my brother and sell the car we were in after, we drove onto the motorway. It was raining heavily and there was water coating parts of the road, but naturally everyone still drove as though conditions were dry. Trying to move to the outside lane to pass someone, doing just 70mph, the car aquaplaned and the rear end swung around to the left. My Dad corrected but the water caught us again and sent us flying in a spin to the left, turning 540 degrees to face the traffic we were just ahead of, which too was travelling at 70mph. Right for us. Some quick thinking while we were still backwards and travelling at easily 50mph, my Dad gave it full right lock and swung us around to face forward again, catching us in the hard shoulder as two massive freight lorries hurled past. We didn't hit anything nor anyone. It was a miracle to say the very least. Had we clipped something while going sideways the car would have rolled and that would have been the end of it. Had we been hit by a lorry while we were stationary, it would have been the end of it for my brother and I, possibly taking my Dad with us. I still watch it over and over in my mind, but I'm astonished we made it out without a scratch. Lesson learned: it can happen to anyone, especially in wet conditions. The rear wheel drive likely didn't help.

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        • I feel like adding one more. I was riding a horse once it was a skittish horse, and there was construction going on around. Well someone turned on a saw as I was riding him and he got super nervous and started bucking. He bucked me off I landed on the ground roughly 1 inch from a metal pole sticking up out of the ground. Which that poll if I would have landed on would have been right were my head was.

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        • One time I tripped and fell on the floor in Pizza Hut.

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        • Only time I can remember was when I was walking on the train tracks and tripped over the rail and my shoelace got caught.

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        • Edited by Picklesandgravy: 3/20/2013 7:40:11 PM
          I crashed my motorcycle going around a corner going roughly 60 mph. I hit a curb and the bike stopped, i kept on going and landed in the only grassy part of the parking lot. My heart felt like it was going to jump right out of my chest when I realized that instead of seeing handlebars in front of me, I saw my hands and just grass. I didn't really get hurt too bad because I was wearing all my gear, but holy nuts, talk about scary. I ride like a grandma now.

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          A game of Halo wars freezing on me!

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        • Only thing I can remember at the moment was a friend of mine pushing me off the site of a steep cliff in grade 6 or 7, but he held onto my shoulders and pulled me back. It was a 'psyche!' moment.

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        • hey you came from waypoint whats up ?

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          • Only near death experiences from me are from vaccinations for some reason I'm allergic I guess Idk. Im not allergic to poison ivy or other things that people are usually allergic to but a vaccine for the flu or meningitis or whatever affects me extremely negatively. I got one vaccine with a bunch of crap in it when I was young, the one you needed for school or whatever and I got a fever of 106 degrees so I was shaking hallucinating and my mom was calling the doctor and saying my son is dying over the phone which is just awesome to hear. No issues though I woke up fine the next morning.

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          • My street isn't the best street around. It's a residential double lane that's completely straight for about a 100 yards far away from where cops normally patrol. As such people like to speed down it like maniacs. My mother was the victim of an accident right in front of our house when the driver in front of her stopped to turn and the driver behind her plowed into my mother, pushing her into the car in front of her. She and the driver in front got out to exchange information with each other, but the third driver backed up and zoomed off. Hood of her car unlatched by the crash and flying straight up into the wind. Might I also mention that after the 100 yard straight away the road suddenly goes all twisty and turny with plenty of blind turns? Cops found her and arrested her for the various appropriate charges. I myself was nearly in an accident on this same road. There are several connecting streets running perpendicular to this one. One has a significant downgrade to it in addition to the stop sign being placed several feet too far back to be able to see approaching traffic from either direction. Remember how I said that people like to speed down my street? 2+2=4. I pull up to the stop sign, look left, look right, clear both ways, so I pull forward. As I'm 45 degrees into completing the turn, I see some guy in an SUV apparently doing 65 mph barreling down the road. Bastard nearly hits me and the only thing that saved me from months in the hospital from getting crushed was the fact that he braked and swerved at the last second to avoid me and jumped the curb into some bushes. Course dick for brains got out of his SUV and started yelling at me while I'm sitting in the middle of the road in both lanes, turn still uncompleted, because I nearly shat myself. City later installed speed bumps. They did not install them on that 100 yard long straight away.

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            • When I was really young, my brother and I took vitamins and there were two of them - one was small, and the other was much bigger. My brother was showing off to our friends so he swallowed the smaller first one. In which I had already ate mine, so I was sort of ticked off. I then swallowed the bigger one. It got lodged in my throat and my mom was trying her hardest to get it out. I almost stopped breathing from that. -My only 'near death' situation.

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            • Edited by Love Sosa: 3/20/2013 3:23:25 PM
              When I got rushed to Rush hospital because my doctor thought I had a cancerous tumor, luckily it wasn't. Also this wasn't a near death but was pretty scary when I played hockey and I got hit really hard from the back and head first to the boards and blacked out. My coach told me I am lucky I am able to walk and it was shortly after my dad bought me a really nice hockey helmet.

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            • I almost got shot by an arrow several years ago but my cousin saved my life.

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              • No, but I convinced someone that I was going to eat their nose off.

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                • Edited by The Dark Hadou: 3/20/2013 1:41:00 PM
                  Woke up in my bed after a really heavy night out at Uni (when I'd apparently been really badly behaved) covered in blood with a gaping wound in my neck. As my memory started to come back I had vague recollections of tripping up over something (probably my own feet) and falling neck first onto an iron spiked railing. I had an inch deep hole in my neck about 1 cm away from my jugular and got myself to hospital pretty damn sharpish. That was pretty scary given I had no recollection of it and could easily have killed myself and, coincidentally, it's the last time I got that shitfaced whilst on a night out. The only other one is when I nearly choked to death in a French restaurant when I was 10. Luckily my dad was there to do the Heimlich seeing as how my mum, sister and all the French people in the restaurant just kind of stopped and stared at me turning blue. He has since told he was only a few seconds away from grabbing a steak knife off a nearby table and performing an emergency tracheostomy (he's a surgeon so that's not as bad as it sounds).

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