originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
I think I made a thread like this a year ago. But whatever. Which do you prefer, TFS/Flood?
I'm definitely a cat person, albeit some small dogs are pretty cool too. I'd love to get a 'miniature' German Shepard or whatever they're called.
Shit just got real
Kitty cats ^_^
doge duh
I like both
Why not both?
Cats don't give a shit. But dogs shit everywhere. Cats.
catz meow
A dog will love and defend you until the day he dies. A cat will just wonder where the food is and eat you after you're dead.
Puppies are the best. Then cats.
Crocodile Monitor
I prefer dogs to cats, seeing that I have a pet dog. Cats are cool though.
Edited by Alphy : 4/1/2013 4:20:09 AMI prefer dogs.
My cat smells like pastry. I win.
-Large Cats -Dogs -Average Cats -Pet rock -Small Dogs
Cats are superior in every way.
^^^ OT: I like both, but I voted dog because I have one.
Both Some dogs are awesome pets, but so are some cats. They can be just as loyal and comforting to have around as a dog. There are really stupid dogs out there, and some breeds that are just irritating to be around simply due to their breeding characteristics. I understand how cats are less appreciated. They can be moody, aloof, and just plain mean, but that does not mean they all are. I have had cats that are great companions, just as much as my dogs. I currently only have a dog, but would never be opposed to having a cat again.
Dogs are just far superior.
I'm a dog person, most cats are assholes.
Dogs > Cats
"Dog" person.
Dog person.