originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
The lobby is closed, I'll host one next saturday around7 or 9 PM EST.
Badman Kakarot
All dem popular
Grey Valkrie
BerzerkCommando (maybe)
Mr Senpai
Divine Thunder2 (maybe)
Cosmic Inquirer
EDIT: I will be starting up a lobby in about 30 minutes.
Only cool people are in this lobby.
Sorry, I'll wait for reach
ERR MA GERRD IT IZ HAPPENINGGG nah imma watch some Bottom tonight.
Is this still going? I'd like to get in on this.
If there is another one tonight I'm probably going to be on at around 8PM. It depends on what time my dad gets done with the computer.
I won't be able to make it today. Make sure to crash the elephant into the phantom.
Invite me! gt ImailU2Heaven
Invite plox.
Damn i want to, but I have to visit with relatives tonight.
Sent a message for an invite
dammit NAT y u so moderate?
can butterflyswaggg join. just a heads up that is not my main GT it's my sisters just call me hurp. my main GT is hurpderpington.
I'll try to join, though I don't know.
Can I join? GT: Dark Typhoon
I'll join around 8:40, I got some unexpected plans.
Edited by SuperIrish: 4/27/2013 11:21:50 PMPerfect timing...1/2 to go and my internet decides to discriminate against my xbox, but not my PC for some reason. EDIT: Fixed!
[quote]EDIT: I will be starting up a lobby in about 30 minutes.[/quote]just when my pizzas get here. dang.
If you're doing it tonight at the same time I'm up for it again, nothing major is happening so I'll be able to stay longer.
Is there going to be another and is it going to be the same time?
I should be able to, but not for very long. GT is same as name (NOT THE ID)
Im down man
I'll gladly join again, I forgot how fun Halo 3 custom games were, we need to get some good ones for tonight. I'll see if I have jenga or ghostbusters.
Edited by A Metroid: 4/27/2013 4:32:03 PMI will get on at 10 pm EST.
You don't need Gold to play in Customs, right? I haven't bothered reinstating it due to my lack of playing Xbox.