originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
I will be hosting another game night, a bit earlier than usual so that a few british people can join. Time: 6 PM EST. If you'd like to join, leave your gamertag here, or send me a msg on xbox live on July 3. My gamertag is Xplodingpiglets. I've been creating a few new maps for Reach, but if you have any great gametypes, let me know.
1. EC 437
2. imailu2heaven
3. divine thunder 2
4. plasma eagle
5. darthwizzrobe2
6. thezealeffect
7. bloodylaser
8. Jgarcia177
9. Mr Senpai
10. TubbierPAinter
11. The smiths01
12. RedundantZombie
13. Danny8849
14. Rob 7T
15. legendaryxbox13
Is it still going on? I'll be on in an hour or so
Why is it not letting me join? My Internet is fine...
I'm sorry, I couldn't join for some reason. May I get another invite please?
man, I've got em all! If you need maps I have a lot
game on: halo reach
I suggest protect obama in halo 3
:( Too bad halo 3 isn't free yet.
so im off with 2 things:halo reach and a mic im just hoping that im still in for game night so please reply back if im still in. thanks :)
Edited by Mr SexBot: 7/2/2013 4:55:37 PMI would like to join, if I could. GT: MR DEATHBOT Oh, wait just noticed you said full...guess that makes sense considering the 15 people on it. Nevermind.
I'll see. I might be at work. GT: ShabbyCamel11
Too bad you've made it so that Europeans can't play.
I remember when I hosted the first Floodian Game Night. Not good times.... not at all....
If anything opens, let me know, I think I'm free the 3rd. GT: RakoKoro
I'll try and make it. GT: TheZealEffect
I can't play on custom maps because of my parents member content settings
Edited by RC32: 7/2/2013 4:31:06 AMoh and i dont have a mic just thought i should clear that up for the game night we good. great
Edited by RC32: 7/2/2013 3:51:18 AMbut just to let you know i do not have halo reach
I'm in gamertag is caley boi
Edited by Actress Again: 7/2/2013 2:51:41 AMget me in Please! legendaryxbox13 I'll destroy all of you.
Add Rob 7T to that list, buddy boy.
I'll join, my GT is Danny8849
Sure, why not. It's been a while since I didn't have gold :\ RedundantZombie.
Edited by RC32: 7/2/2013 2:49:13 AMif you're doing halo 3 sign me up. GT: The smiths01... so yea my GT is connected with my profile I might need to change it
My GT: TubbierPAinter Last time I got stuck in traffic so I couldn't make it, sorry, but I couldn't give advance warning. Won't happen again.