...Kill me...
[i] [/i]
Well i am going to shut of my internet now
At first I was like "I don't see the problem here." but then....
That looks a lot like something advertised in Japan.
I'm very unsure of what (if anything) is being advertised here...or if it's just...what the -blam!- I don't even have words, I mean those women are definitely really hot but I mean what the -blam!- man.
The randomness of this beats your video 10 fold
I..... I...... You know, if I wanted /b, I would have gone there instead. Actually no wait.... Yeah I would have. /b doesn't seem as bad now compared to this.
I agree with the cup at the end, WTF? I don't even...
Abandon thread
My rebuttal.
I better go clean up.
This was awkward. (0.0;)
.... uh Wh... I... I'm just going to get off the internet for today...
Woo go Canada woo yeah
More like Pornada right
Looks tasty
what Did I just watch chicks drink tree jizz