I'm always down to help. Skirmish is by far my favorite game mode, you can usually find me in there. I've also been flawless multiple times. Add me up!
Wanna play trials man?
Oh and that's my trials kdr in other game modes it's not so bad, but 3v3 is all below 1. You can guess why. I think my clash kdr on my hunter was 1.5 last I checked and overall was 1.33 across all 3. Control only about 1.15 and it's all downhill from there.
Add me and invite me any time. There's only really pvp left as a challenge now. just spent five matches getting brutally wrecked in skirmish solo, at least getting wrecked with others might actually be a laugh. Actually did ok, going positive in some of the matches but randoms who never ever use fireteam chat continually feeding the other team kills didn't help. It's a fix, I swear! They are throwing the fight on purpose, it looks that way! Weird. Ha. Anyway... I got flawless once and usually manage 5-8 wins on a card at some point in the week. It's tiring going through that resume business on the forums though, I'll play with anyone who is happy to practice til they get good and who laughs when I do awful instead of yells! I mean 'whaaat are you doing!?!' Is about right when annoyed. Ha. Groaning I will also accept. Some crying no doubt too. So hard to find a team now! I went 9-1 on my first ever card because people just jumped in and played and were cool/chill. Those days died so quickly. Within hours. Did get a couple 9-2 and 8-1 type cards the first couple days. 7-1 and 8-1 the second week. Had a few weeks of struggling to get a single win but eventually getting to 5 wins. Past few weeks struggling to get a team. Did manage five wins yesterday but that was an effort.
Gone flawless before, I would love to start playing with you guys more than the randoms I play with. No one seems to play trials here much or already have their teams.
I have always gotten close to flawless but never there. I am skilled and have found my sweet guns. Current k/d is 1.5 but is going up everyday. Hit me up anytime I'm on. Gt: VermiculusDraco
We have a lot of veterans now that have gone flawless several times. You'll learn who these guys are over the next few weeks, and it's absolutely helpful to jump in with some of them because they can provide a lot of insight on how to win in Trials of Osiris. The first tip I'd give you: Get as good as you can at sniping. IF you do not consider yourself a sniper, Go pick up Low Grade Himility (drops commonly in crucible) or get Her Benevolence (drops in Prison of Elders). Re-roll the guns for the ShortGaze scope and the Hidden Hand perk. Both of these give you additional Aim Assist. If you already consider yourself good with a sniper... Get better. Trials will teach your to really round out your game, but the focal point of dominance always ends up being the snipers. Hope this was helpful. Add me on Xbox Live, GT: Skizz nT
New to the clan but this is where I need the most practice. Add me up Draks Mcnasty