originally posted in:Tacticians
I want the Vex Mythoclast most of all.
It might be a long struggle, but we WILL triumph, the outside is not as hard as the inside, that being said if you have 3 sunsinger warlocks on the outside they can self-revive if they get taken by a supplicant, walk up to a supplicant, make sure you have space to jump and go for it, they are not as dangerous as you think. Save the self-revive if you can in case you die by a supplicant while detained.
The inside is where the trouble brews, The Minotaur in the green (Forest/Venus/Past/Right) gate can sometimes glitch out the shield-carrier and cause him to miss the Minotaur, allowing it to get some free shots, killing the Shield-carrier which in terms kills the entire team. A titan can stun the enemies bellow with a grenade to help kill the Minotaur. The red (Desert/Mars/Future/Left) gate is pretty easy, 3 Hobgoblins and nothing else.
After everyone is out we head to the floating platform in the middle of the room to avoid supplicants, Shield-carrier puts up the shield to protect everyone on the platform, allowing everyone inside to blast Atheon with damage. After the buff "Time's Vengeance" hits :05, all three that are staying outside are getting back into position, then the two going inside at :03, then the shield-carrier at :00.
Rinse and repeat after the second gate.
Tactician Rogue: 30 Warlock, Sunsinger (Inside Shield-Carrier)
SuperHornetA51: 29 Warlock, Sunsinger (Outisde)
Agentn25: 29 Hunter, Gunslinger (Inside)
SuperHornetA51: 29 Warlock, Sunsinger.
DrasticRanger71: 29 Warlock, Sunsinger. (Obtained VEX MYTHOCLAST)
Isuzzu: 29 Hunter, Gunslinger.
Ecrion: 30 Hunter, Gunslinger..
ChiefSlayer: 29 Warlock, Sunsinger.
Nebu the Blad: 29 Titan, Defender.
Raid is done, Post updated with the team.
Damn Isuzzu told his squad he would get a checkpoint then be back and ends up being gone for over an hour doing the strike with you guys. He really is the ultimate scumbag.
29 sun singer,
I'm a thirty hunter.
Party is up now. Join if you are interested.
29 sunsinger
29 gunslinger hunter gt justcauseican87
invite me 29 hunter have void sniper and rockets sniper rekts atheon on normal so should retk him on hard :)
I will be checking your stats thoroughly.
Will be getting on at 7:00PM EST, it is 6:43PM EST atm.
Are you already to last boss? I got a 29 titan and 2 29 warlock to play. We've beat hard before
level 29 hunter with gunslinger can do good on the outside on harpies
if you doing from beginning then send invite lvl 29 warlock
Inv my gy is oXSteadyXoViper lvl29 warlock
Level 29 Titan ready to bitch-slap Atheon across the face! Should a space be left I will happily take it! :3
Edited by ChiefSlayer: 10/2/2014 10:32:19 PMI'm down if your making a group. or ill make one. Ive killed him on hard 4 times and have beat the whole thing on hard twice. xbox one lvl 29 warlock.
Edited by Cherry Arizona: 10/2/2014 10:29:29 PMI'm down I'm a level 28 warlock with self res I beaten the raid 3 times on normal. I just want some raid armor lol GT: cherry arizona
Edited by OGxTISCII: 10/2/2014 10:25:58 PMIm in. 29 hunter multiple exotics. Ice breaker, hard light, suros, gjallahorn, invective. A lot of experience on hard. Mic
What console
Wazey v2 is my gamer tag i need to beat it on hard as well please invite me!
Edited by ChiefSlayer: 10/2/2014 10:17:24 PMits actually really easy. The guys going in the portal just shoot a few rockets down there and the shield guy cleans up. If hes lvl 30 he can 1shot smash most the stuff except the pretorian, which a rocket or 2 can help with. The last tiem we beat hard mode we killed him on 2nd attempt took less than 10 minutes. My guy is still there at him right now. Was gona form up a team to kill him.