originally posted in:Tacticians
Hey guys I started this post because I got my first exotic bounty today and I could not be more ecstatic. So this post will be all about Exotic bounties, how to get them, how to do them, what bounties get you what gear etc.
exotic bounties are a PITA. you can get an exotic bounty by turning in regular bounties. its a small chance, but it's the same for everyone. major problem with them is, all but 3 or 4 have crucible components. i, along with a good chunk of the player base, do not like the fact that we are forced to play crucible for items (iron banner and crucible faction factions aside). the thorn is a good example. its a bane to many people. plus, for the most part, they are far too easy to complete. i completed the "super good advise" bounty in about 60 mins from start to finish. IMO, these 5 or 6 weapons should be raid quality items, and thus on par with the mythoclast (or very close to it). which means that these bounties should be extremely hard. and for the mot part, they are not.
This will answer all of your http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2ift04/all_exotic_bounties_guide/
So the bounty I got today was called " A light in the dark" and it gets you thorn. The gun looks really nice but there are so many steps. Any suggestions or comments to make this easier?