originally posted in:Destiny PS4 Community
If you're interested in grouping and don't much care who you play with, leave your psn class and level and wether or not you have communications.
PSN/PS4 - TwinkieDP Warlock: Level 31 Titan: Level 31 I have a gold headset.
Warlock lvl 25 PSN: Dragonox_v47 I have a mic
PSN: cortwheel Hunter lol 30 Mic\ Earpiece
Psn:gtzgreatest4lyfe 20 hunter Has a mic!
Psn: Vi_Kaden Lvl28 Hunter Got a mic, don't always use it though
OptimusPoon 24 Titan Have mic
Psn exiledpack Lvl 30lock Have headset
PSN: Deamonitex34 Warlock 27 Headset/Mic
PSN: Magiczar Warlock 25 Have a headset
Psn: TurtleTurton13 Titan: 28 - Maxed Defender and Striker Looking for a Nightfall/Weekly strike squad
Psn: DebonairWarTitan Lvl 22 Titan haven't upgraded defender
Psn: Umbannable_II Level: 27 Warlock, looking to raid or Nightfall
Psn:Raubel13 Level:21 Warlock
Class Hunter Lvl 22 Actually no mic
Class - Hunter Level 24 No com
Class - Hunter level - 18 Com - Head set
Lvl 17 - Titan Psn - oWmavrick Yes
Lvl 24 hunter PSN - erod125 Have mic
Tluep. Level 26 warlock
PSN- Tamerlain420 Warlock lvl 26 Mic
24 Warlock PSN: Mitchguy21 Mic
Edited by Simplycdot: 9/27/2014 2:42:40 PM27 Hunter Mic Reliable on nightly around 8 est looking to raid PSN: simplycdot
Lvl 25 warlock Mic I want to do weekly Psn: KC1186
Level 25 warlock Mic Good attitude Reliable
Psn: LiosPendragon Lvl 27 warlock Have headset Up for weekly, daily, nightfall or VOG