originally posted in:The Bird People
A group page....
not really much, but it doesn't look like Admins would be very active here at all...
I think the general idea is to harvest the regulars of The Flood, instead of surrendering to a mixed bag of people from all of the previous general forums who never really got into what it was that made the Flood what it was.
#flood #offtopic #theflood #thefloodofftopic #whythefuckdontyoujustusethesetags
Its ok, but I miss the old Flood.
The fact that there is a max of 10 groups, meaning I would have to leave quite a few to get in means I'm not going to join. To be honest, wouldn't have anyway though.
Groups don't mean as much any more when I see them in the main forums, not to mention the fact that I can post in them.
Still do not understand why the group is needed. Which means it isn't needed.