originally posted in:The Bird People
In the beginning there was darkest and boredom.
And then from the void there was a shining beacon of light.
This light was of great minds and
People that live to serve.
They are the humble gods that bless us;
The poor, unruly, beasts.
Long ago you promised that you would
Conquer the world.
Malevolent or Benevolent?
You act as just gods and given us gifts.
Halo, a prime example.
I, raised on a franchise such.
Rose in ranks to call myself a clan leader,
Then with great skill, a squad leader.
Over your time with Halo you were just.
Listened to the lowly people that worshiped
In your temples of matchmaking.
Little did the lowly ones know
That a dark force, only numeral in name
would take hold.
Bending and cursing all gifts given to us,
the lowly.
We looked to the darken sky,
wondering where our just gods went.
We, the lowly ones shed tears of sadness...
Some of the lowly ones lost faith.
But not all...
For some of us still looked to the sky
for any sign of your domination.
And just as we had nothing to look forward to,
The numeral gods creating chaos throughout the land,
You sent a message.
A message saying that you would be back,
back to save all the lowly, faithful ones.
You will millions from the tyranny of the numeral gods...
Until then we will look to the sky,
look for the day that a new Destiny shall be crafted
By the just gods for us, the faithful lowly ones.
To Bungie!
lowly class is just what we are,
A big [i]bravo[/i] as we say in France !