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Clan Finder

"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
12/9/2017 8:07:44 PM

Now hear me out...

So, I'm looking to either make a clan, or join a clan. I don't want a ton of members, but a group with 20+ y/o people who are genuinely cool and funny. This last clan I started ended up going to shit after one member slept with another members girl... sides were taken and people either left or stopped playing. So let me know.

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  • first of all, what a pathetic group to split over that sh-t. and also to even take that out of personal lives is just ridiculous. second I'm either looking to start or join one preferably with a connected facebook group to aid in communication. im open to getting involved if your interested too. in the interest of not leading anyone on i'm gonna say right now im 19 so not fitting your 20+ range but if your not bothered then its irrelevant. if your up for starting one then hit me up on xbox live, gamertag; NATHANC01

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