originally posted in:Clan Finder
No one in my clan plays. I wanna do raids Nightfall and trials without having to LFG.
Xbox one
- Titanzdad110816
Hey there, I saw you looking for a clan. Growing large with active members most who moved from an inactive clan. Come take a look at us and join. The late update is not required. We still run original raids and public event also have member who do not have it. We play with new and vet destiny players. Patient leaders. No drama. Xbox 1 based players. JOIN "Efficient and Proficient" Link : https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3007520 Just click on the link above. And apply! That's it. If anything just message me back. Any questions I will be happy to answer as well no hesitations.
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=590706] Xbox Only Destiny’s Lords [/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=2965995] PSN Only Destiny’s Lords II [/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=2988986] Xbox Only Destiny’s Lords III [/url] [url=https://discord.gg/eyjrmvq] Discord Link [/url] The mission of this clan is to create a family like bond between its members. The qualities needed to join the DESTINY'S LORDS or DESTINY’S LORDS II are; OVER 18, respectful, loyal, friendly, helpful, social, active and fun-loving people. In return, we pledge to be a fun, friendly and helpful group. CODE OF CONDUCT 1.No Drama – Zero Tolerance for members causing issues, always being negative or starting arguments. We do NOT tolerate improper and racist behavior. 2.Loyalty - We rely on the loyalty of our members to do what is right to further the cause and objective of the Clan. 3.One Team One Goal – To keep your spot in the clan you MUST be involved with contributing to the clan / helping each other out. If you’re more concerned for yourself then this is not the clan for you. 4. Be Patient- We know everyone wants to get the RAID done, we are working hard to train others so please be patient and not spam the Raid teams for invites. 5.Have Fun – Ultimately, we’re all here to have fun. If you have any suggestions or ideas of what we can do better feel free to contact any ADMIN or KamiKazeKill 1. We ask…, we don’t demand members to: 1. RECRUIT DAILY - Only way to find good People 2. SHARE KNOWLEDGE - It strengthens the clan 3. LVL UP MEMBERS - It ensures a good player base 4. ATTEND CLAN DAYS - Meet and Make Friends 5. [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCorPvnuHtbWXPKrO6LcfyEg] SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CLAN CHANNEL [/url] Weekly Clan Itinerary: Mon: Open / Farming Tues: Crucible, Raids and Nightfall Wed: Open / Farming Thurs: Nightfall Fri: Crucible and Trials Sat: Raids and Nightfall all day Sun: Clan Day 10 a.m. EST Raids and Trials
new clan you can join if you woud like i been trying to buid a clan to do raid have fun do pve and work togather to inprove on skills new or old https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3015529
My clan is new but we have members who want to do raids and trials so come join https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3013420