Hey!! We’re a pretty chill super new clan called Kill Kry and Play that just started recruiting. If you would like I can send you an invite. Please join if you’re interested!!
if you're still looking, give us a check! [PS4] Join the Celestial Daybreakers! -mic required- https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1985786 Hey everybody! we're doing another recruitment run, looking for active members that are comfortable playing any of the content! Not looking for anything specific, like trials only or raid only. We want everyone who's friendly, gots a mic, and enjoys playing content with fellow clanmates! If you're interested, check out our clan page and request to join! We'll contact you via message before approving you, to make sure you have a microphone. we've had issues of a lot of members not having mics, so we're trying to prevent that. Looking forward to having you!