originally posted in:Clan Finder
Recently got back into D2, finished the base game (not downloaded the DLC yet), looking for a clan to join to complete the raids, strikes and crucible. (Casually)
My GT is Crxwdy, send me a message if you're looking for more members!
Hello bud, Have a read below and see what you think. [b]What does it take to join the family. [/b] * Be 16+ * Have a working mic, cause we can't hear your hand signals! * Speak English. * Be sociable, helpful & as active as you can be. We use our Facebook group to socialize and to get to know each other and BAND to arrange our on line activities. BAND can be downloaded to your phone or accessed through its web page. [b]About Us.[/b] Between the UK and US divisions, our members range in age from 16 to 70 and both male and female. Many are married, have children and work full time, so we appreciate that you might not be able to get on line 24/7. That's life! We run all endgame activities and we usually get 3 out 4 weekly engrams, we're not sweaty enough for Trials yet but do try. Also, we have a core of highly experienced members willing to lead everyone through the Raid. We're looking to increase our numbers, more members means more active players on line. [b]If this sounds like the clan for you, sign up by following the links below.[/b] Shoot Loot and Scoot Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1865010857089003 (Message and let me know your name) Shoot Loot and Scoot UK https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1991439 Shoot Loot and Scoot US https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=3011714
https://youtu.be/T44U0aTh90o If u want to join: The whole process is as follows: Goto http://www.xallegiancex.com , scroll down midway , choose the game of your choice ( Destiny or Fortnite ) choose your console , then you will see 7 globes labeled with regions , pick the region you live. That should take u to your division then request to join .. 2. Register ( http://www.xallegiancex.com/register ) , to the website to create a profile, when you receive the activation email, activate account then proceed to step 3. 3. Complete an Application Form to gain full access the website. ( Copy & Paste questions in white box then answer them. ) Destiny - ( http://www.xallegiancex.com/recruitment/168854#force ) Fortnite ( http://www.xallegiancex.com/recruitment/175744#force ) Website is the key to being active, it's where u join events, submit event request, help forums, news updates, and chat box, activity on website gets discord access. ( site is a little slow so have patience , new site is launching midway 2018 ) Once your a full member here's a link to our news thread. Get caught up if you like.. I always say “more knowledge can never hurt” http://www.xallegiancex.com/news-archive#
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2783831 A highly active PC Destiny 2 clan in the EU working together to complete content and reach max gear cap. Enjoy doing Public Events, Strikes, PvP and Raids. We have lots of Raid groups and Trials Groups. Please note that being part of the clan does require that you connect to discord, you don't have to join any channels unless doing a raid or trials. It's mainly so you can read announcements and if any raids are on. New clan requirements: Light Level of 310+. Discord Activity. If you wish to raid you must have watched a youtube guide or have raid experience on console or PC we are not here to boost. Feel free to join our discord even if you're not in the clan - https://discord.gg/s7X5wYf
If you are a [Ps4] player and can fulfill these requirements please feel free to join. Recruitment status: -We are always looking for guardians to join our ranks. -We are a [Ps4] clan. -[18+] in age. -English speaking. -Have a mic. -Are interested in making new friends. -Being active [1+ days] per week, and helping your fellow clan members. -Be willing to participate in conversation online. -Be willing to have game play captured for YouTube purposes. - Have Discord - Have fun. - We are willing to take members from any country as long as you're able to fulfill the requirements. We are a Rank 6 clan We are a Very active, very helpful Ps4 clan for Destiny 2 70+ active members weekly, the most important thing is team work. We will always have each others back both in PvE and PvP. We are a group of like minded players looking for players of many different abilities and styles, be it relaxed, bigginers, MMORPG to hard core Pros. Be aware that this is a very active community and our admin's are monitoring gameplay history regularly, failing to follow these requirements will mean instant dismissal from the clan by either myself or the admin team, so it would be much appreciated if you would not waste our time if you feel you could not fulfill these requirements. Please be patient when waiting to be accepted, as positions will become available as and when inactive/non-participation members are removed from the clan. If your having trouble finding the clan please use the link below. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=2813676 If the clan above is full please join our second clan the Cosmic Voids [Part 1] click the link below. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3029829