[Ps4] The Cosmic Voids is looking for Destiny members [18+] and Mic required. Please read full mission statement we are preparing for Destiny 2. We welcome PvE and PvP players. Welcome to the Cosmic Voids Clan [Ps4 clan] Mission statement: We are a 98+ active weekly Ps4 clan for Destiny 2, we run our own twitch channel for destiny content so go check that out! The most important thing is team work. We will always have each others back both in PvE and PvP. We are a group of like minded players looking for players of many different abilities and styles, be it relaxed, bigginers, MMORPG to hard core Pros. Recruitment status: -We are always looking for guardians to join our ranks. -We are a [Ps4] clan. -[18+] in age. -English speaking. -Have a mic. -Are interested in making new friends. -Being active [1+ days] per week and helping your fellow clan members. -Be willing to participate in conversation online [discord/game-chat] - Have Discord [This is compulsory] - Have fun - We are willing to take members from any country as long as you're able to fulfill the requirements above. Be aware that this is a very active community and our admin's are monitoring gameplay history regularly, failing to follow these requirements will mean instant dismissal from the clan by either myself or the admin team, so it would be much appreciated if you would not waste our time if you feel you could not fulfill the requirements. Please be patient when waiting to be accepted, as positions will become available as and when inactive/non-participation members are removed from the clan. To help myself and the admin team make this process quicker, you could download the discord app found on both Android and Apple Store, ready as it is compulsory and will not be accepted without, and then apply. If your having trouble finding the clan please use the link below. Run by: RustyBucketRuss https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=2813676 If the Cosmic Voids Clan is full we have a secondary clan, click the link below. Run by: twiztedchevy Https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3029829 Twitch Channel Link: https://www.twitch.tv/cosmicvoidsclan
Hello there 👋 our clan may be of interest to you take a read: Guardians For Guardians are a community lead group with a good mix of people of all skills and play preferences. it doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned raid veteran, a weekly flawless trials player or a player who only bought the game last week and is looking for help getting through a nightfall or strike, we are the guardians you’re looking for. Our goal is to foster a strong community spirit, we believe this is done through active participation in clan events and communication, be it the aforementioned raid, crucible or strikes, G4G offer all players who wish for something more than a weekly engram a place at its table. To be clear, we are not interested in players who simply wish to tag hop for engrams and as such, we have a few simple requests which are mandatory for all members. 1. Join one of the clan divisions below based on where you want to be [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=1784816]PS4 - G4G Orion[/url] (full) [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/?groupId=1804167]PS4 - G4G Cygnus[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/?groupId=1955871]PS4 - G4G Pegasus[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/?groupId=144262]XBox - G4G Artemis[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/?groupId=2681987]PC - G4G Draco[/url] 2.Join the rest of the clan on our [url=http://guardiansforguardians.org]WEBSITE[/url] 3.Join our discord server So, if you are over 16 years of age and want to be part of a vibrant, healthy and most importantly, active Destiny clan, Guardians For Guardians is a good place to be. We will not abandon you, we will not leave you high and dry. Eyes up, Guardian.