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Clan Finder

"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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    17357 Members
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    7 Years as a Group
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originally posted in:Clan Finder
3/25/2018 8:25:05 PM

Looking for an endgame guild.

Mature, finnish guy looking for a guild that has players on at European hours. Mostly looking for Heroic missions, strikes and ofc the raid. I like Cruible too, but need practise as the last PvP shooter I played on console was something like Black Ops 2. Power Level 315 currently. I have a mic and speak very good English, with that amazing Finnish accent. Regards, Crash PSN: au614581

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  • Psst hey, come check us out. We have 3 clans (look before clicking) XB1 Clan (UNION White): PS4 Clan (UNION Gold): PC Clan (UNION Black): And our Discord: XB1 Exclusive Discord: *Each clan is PLATFORM SPECIFIC*

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