originally posted in:Clan Finder
Me and my friends are looking for an active clan. We are long time player (since D1) and we regularly play and contribute to the clan.
I am looking for players to join a newly founded clan, with a goal to run multiple raids a week and 1 filthy casual to assist with prestige NF carries. Check us out. Discord is a must. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/244697433/0/0] [Ps4] Lethal Legion [LIIL][/url] Freshly made clan looking for active guardians to establish a core group of helpful, mature, like minded team players. We wipe as a team, if 1 fails then we all fail.
I'm part of an active PS4 clan that's been here since the dawn of Destiny. We’re a very social bunch of people with players from mainly the UK and US with a few Europeans mixed in for good measure. We regularly have a clear out of non active players in order to keep the clan ticking and keep those weekly clan rewards coming in. As with many clans we have seen a decline in active members and feel its time to make room for more active players to join. We have two main clans running atm with potential for adding more should we require them. We also use an app called "Discord" to organise our different chat rooms which keeps our main chat free for chatting whilst cutting down on lfg posts. If you’re not happy to use Discord, please do not apply. We have dedicated raid teams within the group that have their own specified times/days so we all know when and who we're raiding with. We have an admin who is responsible for getting even the toughest of members through the various raids in both versions of Destiny. If he can’t get you in a team and raiding regular, you need to stick to Sudoku and crosswords. We also have some strong pvp players waiting to get to the lighthouse again if that’s what takes your fancy. Iron Banner is great for bringing us all together. Can’t help but laugh at some of the banter that goes on in the teams at times. Not for the faint hearted. Link to Discord https://discord.gg/DCkQqCq Alliterate Soldiers is an over 18 clan and has been around since the dawn of Destiny. Link https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=159932 Darkest Souls is a family based clan with no age restrictions and has been around for about a year now. Link https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2728902 Any questions? Fire away 😉
Hi we're, Vex dregs & takenThrall Mainly pve clan although we've only missed trials engram 4 times in the last 7 months full recruitment thread below. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/244630340/0/0 full clan intro ^^ 25+ years old UK based Discord/mic needed
Edited by Alien: 4/27/2018 11:22:30 AMtSNS https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2248345 95 members at present- hit me up in chat and check us out. You can always join us for a week and see how welll you gel with us. Getting comfortable in a clan is all about personalities, time zones and what other activities you enjoy. At Shield and Sword we have 5 free spaces at the moment. We have raid and pvp specific channels as well as raiders doing the old D1 raids !. We have a prestige and regular leviathan runs and have a friendly bunch that like to help each other out. just msg me or find me only after 8-9pm uk time (we are US based clan but have at least 10 people from europe and several from asia/aus). Do we get our engrams: Yes pretty much every week all 4. Do we have sleeper/inactive members - sometimes but no longer than the weekly kick ! we use an activity logging website that tells us how each member is playing and usually ream out the ones who are no longer playing every week. Do we do d1 raids : Yes and have a dedicated d1 chat channel Do we have raid teaching : yes - I run that section and have taken over 40 guardians through the raids - both leviathan and eow.
1NV1CTUS is recruiting for raiders and PvP'ers to join our ranks. We are looking for people that raid a few times a week and people that participate in trials every weekend. We would ask for the raiders to have at least 10 raid clears. This doesn't have to be 10 in each raid just 10 all together. We will verify this by checking raid report before we accept you. We also have a designated sherpa team that we are wanting to add more members to if interested. Would like the PvP players to have a positive kd not KaD as well as having been flawless. We are also looking to another another 1-2 PvP admins with private matches coming back. We use an app called BAND to communicate and that is required we don't use chat function on this app to setup our events or create fireteams. Message myself or another admin if interested. Thanks for your time.
The mission of this clan is to create a family like bond between its members. The qualities needed to join the DESTINY'S LORDS or DESTINY’S LORDS II are; OVER 18, respectful, loyal, friendly, helpful, social, active and fun-loving people. In return, we pledge to be a fun, friendly and helpful group. CODE OF CONDUCT 1.No Drama – Zero Tolerance for members causing issues, always being negative or starting arguments. We do NOT tolerate raging out, rage quitting, improper or racist behavior. 2. Profanity – Language while in a fireteam it’s up to that team… but, if a team member asks you not to use profanity please be respectful of their wishes. However, PROFANITY is strictly prohibited in the open forums. Repeat offenders will be removed for our community. 3. Loyalty – We rely on the loyalty of our community to get things done, If you can’t find the experience needed to complete what you want to get done…start a training team. It will benefit everyone in the community. Please only use non-members as a last result. 4. One Team One Goal – To keep your spot in the clan you MUST be active on discord or involved with contributing to the community/ helping each other out. If you’re more concerned for yourself then this is not the community for you. 5. Be Patient- We know everyone wants to get the RAID done, we are working hard to train others so please be patient and not spam the Raid teams for invites. 6. Be Help- We have members of all different skill levels so the more we teach, the stronger our community becomes, the easier it will be to find help when needed. 7. Have Fun – Ultimately, we’re all here to have fun. If you have any suggestions or ideas of what we can do better feel free to contact any ADMIN or KamiKazeKill 1. We ask…, we don’t demand members to: 1. RECRUIT DAILY - Only way to find good People 2. SHARE KNOWLEDGE - It strengthens the clan 3. LVL UP MEMBERS - It ensures a good player base 4. ATTEND CLAN DAYS - Meet and Make Friends 5. [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCorPvnuHtbWXPKrO6LcfyEg] SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CLAN CHANNEL [/url] Weekly Clan Itinerary: Mon: Open / Farming Tues: Crucible, Raids and Nightfall Wed: Open / Farming Thurs: Nightfall Fri: Crucible and Trials Sat: Raids and Nightfall all day Sun: Clan Day 10 a.m. EST Raids and Trials
Rise of a New Light is a new founded clan and currently looking for active and reliable members to join, who are willing to put in the effort to keep the clan active. We hope that everyone who does join can help unite our little clan and make it grow a whole. New guardians or experienced players are both welcome. We are looking for teachers. Our current members are usually on several times a day. The rules are pretty simple. Basically simple common sense rules. And no being a rude dick. And help each other. No drama or hate ETC. And have fun. You don’t have to log on every day all the time, we understand real life comes first. If you can’t be active by participating in clan activities, you can participate by being active in the chat. Timezones: so far Pacific, Central and one in the UK Recritment status: -We are always looking for new members -We are [PS4 clan] - [18+] in age -English speaking -All levels excepted -Mic required -Discord required -Are interested in making new friends - Be active in the clan by involving yourself in clan activities and clan chat - Have a good attitude - Be co-operative, help others and be willing to listen and help - Be patient, respectful and friendly We will want to work with you before accepting you into the clan. So when we get your request, we will send a message to set up a time. So please have your privacy settings set so we can message you. Please be patient when waiting to be accepted. We don’t send invites, unless we’ve worked with you. If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to let us know. Rise of a New Light full clan post https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/244569155 clan link https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3081043