I am looking for a clan.
im looking to join
I’d love to join I play 5-7 days a week I’m in onterio Canada atm I’ll be home on the 27 of July 2019 and I’ll be playing a lot 687 hunter plz
I want to join
id like to join! active everyday lvl 553
I'd like to join if possibe. cheers!
hi i would like to join im an active player
Edited by Fascist_Alpaca: 9/9/2018 9:30:06 PMStill recruiting? I’m new to the game got it my that long ago I have all the dlc and have a 509 warlock. I have little to no raid experience. Would love to join That is if you guys are still active?
I want to join
Active titan here, Would love to join!:)
Hello Delsorius. Me and my girlfriend are currently looking for an active clan and really want to get into raiding. We played a ton of destiny 2 when it first came out, but we fell off coz most of our other friends stopped playing Destiny and the clan we are currently in is all, but dead. We currently started playing again about a month ago around 3-5 times a week and normally do our dailies. My passion for destiny has rekindled and I have always loved destiny especially hearing forsaken coming out and completing the moments of triumph is what is really driving us to keep playing. I'd love to join your clan along with my girlfriend and contribute to whatever it may be. Strikes, Nightfalls, Escalation Protocol, Public Events, Crucible, Raiding (eventually, we both don't have much raiding experience.)
354 hunter looking to join, still recruiting?
355 Warlock if you still are recuiting. My clan is never on. I'm on 2-3 days a week. I'm good to go with any activity.
350+ on hunter, titan and warlock. Looking for a clan that can do raids and other endgame activities.
If your still looking for members I'm a 349 warlock
I'm looking for an active clan as well for raids. My current clan is dead, I'd be interested if you are still recruiting!
I'm looking for a good clan. I have a titan warlock and hunter all at 350. Really looking for some guys to raid with.
I would like to join please if you're still recruiting.. GT: SuperKush19D im a 350 warlock.
I'm interested in joining if you're still taking people
Looking to join as well if you are still accepting people!
looking to join up - still taking members?
Hey my ps4 username is dukedome23 and I'm 346 light on my hunter and 344 on my titan. My last clan literally just diasapered during d2 endgame(understandably because they probably though it sucked). I left the clan a little before osiris. Are you guys still looking for members and will you guys stay active?
Are you still looking for members ???
Looking for a chill clan but active my time zone is PST i'm a hunter main ✦343 .
Do you care about age?
I Have a Few questions. 1 are you endgame yet? 2 how many clan members do you have? 3 will you be active? 4 do you have dlc?