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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
5/23/2018 7:59:23 PM

[PC] Warlock 351 LF Clan

LF Clan on PC warlock light level 351

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  • Hey, I'm owner of a ps4 clan but we have a few pc players and we are trying to expand to pc. If you want to help expand our clan on over to pc then here's the link:

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  • Hunters Guild II We are a group of Veterans and newcomers alike. We do not care if you are new to the game, or been playing it for years. Light level of 10 or 385.We accept anyone whom is needing a Clan. Need help on Campaign missions, Strikes, Crucible or even Raids? Then this is the place for you! Some really basic rules for the clan and clan Discord: 1) Age Requirement - We require members to be over the age of 16. 2) Microphone Required - It is hard for us to be able to assist you, when we cannot properly communicate. Thus we have begun to enforce this rule. 3) Discord Required - It is hard for us to assist you without using a reliable communication program. We are able to run multiple strikes/raids and assist people any time using this method. 2) Be Respectful! - We all want to play Destiny 2 to have fun. Being an pain ruins the fun for everyone and is not welcome here. 3) Be helpful if you can - If someone asks a question, feel free to help them out. We are all Brothers/Sisters here fighting the same cause. 4) Voice Channels - Try not to talk over each other. Specially if a Raid is occurring. Here is our invite link to our Discord! You do not even have to be a member of our clan to hop in.

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