originally posted in:Clan Finder
Aye yo,
I'll keep this real simple. Just looking for some chill people to play a repetitive video game with. Nothing too extravagant. I'm looking to get my clan back up and running, so just send me your tag and I'll throw you the invite.
Note, there will definitely be a lot of vulgarity and profanity coming from me and my existing clan mates. We are from the Philadelphia area, its the only way we know how to cope with stress. So if you got a mouth like a dirty -blam!-ing sailor, join up with us. You might get a few laughs out of it.
Forgot to specify that I am on Xbox One, but we have a growing number of ps4 cats.
I see people putting rules and shit on these forums. -blam!- rules. You don’t have a mic? Who cares. You aren’t over 340 light? So what.
I’m inviting everyone so if you don’t get an invite from me, I must have just missed the comment. Just sent me message or request to join the clan. It’s OPEN TO EVERYONE
I realize this post wasn't short and simple like I had promised. Well, -blam!- you for reading this much of the post anyway.
UPDATE: it is telling me the maximum number of people is in the clan. I believe that includes the people that are already invited, so if people do not accept the invite by Sunday, new people will be invited. Sorry for the bad news
Gamertag is PshycoticU. Interested in joining.
Xbox tag is Pofficer. I am Interested in Joining.
Xbox tag is teehee336
I am interested as well. Loophol3. is my GT on xbox
Sounds awesome! Getting back into D2 and my clan has ghosted. GT: Randae
Sounds great. My game tag is Battlemase400 on Xbox1
PS4: kodiak_643
Clan sounds great! Gamer tag is Numbr 4 on Xbox One
add my gamertag driv73
I would like to join if you still got some spots open gt Donsleepy
my tag is PunkBunny_xx !!! thank you!
Still any spots unrulykidd_1234 on PSN
Invite? VALRook on Xbox
Invite? GT: HeavyWeevil41
Invite? slashjb007 on Xbox
Invite please GT: Machine Gun Mid
I'm on PS4 looking for a new, laid back clan. PSN: marky30000
Join Siege now! -> https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/246119383/0/0
If you wanna be in a clan that is active and full of good players all around, join Siege now! Siege is an OG Destiny clan that is here to stay! Competitive and casual players are all welcomed to become operatives in the war against the darkness! Join now while there are spots available! Contact the leader of you have any questions or concerns!
Add me please? Gamertag-KillCaller
Hello! I am hosting a Destiny clan tournament. I will be posting the results on Bungie.net, along with an exclusive interview with the fireteam leader, and the attending members, to be presented to the Destiny community, and the world. (PS4) (U.S. - UK) Tournament will be held in private matches, and game mode will be voted on by all attending players. Tournament will be broadcasted to YouTube. Please respond as soon as possible. You do not have to be the clan leader to enter the tournament, but all members must belong to the same clan. Thank you for your time! [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/15218736/regiatsuper11]regiatsuper11[/url] - [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3072813]Sorrow Order (PS4)[/url] - [url=https://vanguardfrequency.blogspot.com/2018/06/clan-tournament-entry.html]Vanguard Frequency.net [/url] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfZ-Wq5HdS7Lem6_StiwJgw?view_as=subscriber]YouTube.com[/url] -
Send me an invite! Xbox tag- GhostlingDruid
Aye can I join PSN: TheUnofficialJay
I’d like to join my gamer tag is DarnedSkate69
Please send invite
Drtnap1 on xbox