originally posted in:Clan Finder
Three looking for new clan! Would like to find clan that is active and friendly. We would like to raid and just work together to get in game stuff done!
Hello! Northern Strong is a xb1 Canadian clan that welcomes all from around the world. Our main time zone currently EST, but are very open to play with you where ever you reside. The clan is building a name for itself, and is focusing on recruitment and helping anyone out who needs it whether that be getting you through a the solstice event, raids, nightfalls, strikes, or simply getting your milestones done. We have partnered with REBEL UNION and rely on one another if we need help with a certain tasks. If you're 18+ and up for growing with the clan, reviving downed guardians and destroying enemies, click that join button! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3211457 We also chat on discord to communicate all things destiny related. https://discord.gg/828cMZ4 We hope to see you with us xoxo HeelsNHalligans
Nerherders with Attitude is looking for new members on Xbox One and we'd be glad to have you join. We do pretty much all endgame content and have no issue helping others out. We are a brand new clan (10 members only...I know...no big deal) looking to expand and have an established clan by Foresaken. We're on pretty much every week, mostly evenings CST. We're pretty chill but that doesn't mean we don't grind and get stuff done. If you want to join just for the perks that's cool, if you want to help with raids and other endgame stuff that's cool too. We welcome one and all and there's no pressure to play with anyone. If interested, just send me a message here on the app. PunkTheBad is the name.
Step right up step right up beyond this door lyes Destiny's favorite sideshow The CREEPSH0W! https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1989261 We are looking for ACTIVE adults (18+) on XBOX ONE. PvPvE. Mic preferred. No drama, we're here to have fun after all! We have a chat on Discord that is MANDATORY to join! It will help you get to know your new clan members, set up fireteams, share tips and be involved with our other clan activities and announcements. Not being active in chat or willing to play with clan mates will get you removed. Join our chat now-> https://discord.gg/5Vsh6zT This is mandatory to be accepted into the clan. Trials - Iron Banner - QuickPlay - Competitive- Raids - Nightfall - Escalation Protocol - Strikes ~ACTIVE means being available. We're not looking for "solo only" players, we're here to play together and that means participating in chat and events - Once you have become inactive for 3 or more weeks, you may be kicked to make room for another active player to join. (We are well aware we're all adults have lives and cannot be on every day and that's okay, we have a "leave-of-absence" channel for those who need to step away for a period of time.) *We are currently part of a Multi-Clan CMA Alliance with a separate discord server. If you join our clan, you will have access to another chat to pull players from or join other players from our allianced clans which widens your reach of active players! https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1989261
Hi! You’re welcome to join our new XB1 clan! We are an established gaming community looking for new members. Our most recent recruitment post can be found here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/246556583
what system do you guys play one
Orbs of Anarchy: is looking for more. daily adult players that help each other with all activities.
Welcome to funky looking guardians! [b][i][u]What are we and how did we form I hear you ask?[/u][/i][/b] We formed this clan way back in D1 then we merged into another clan and we all suddenly realised it wasn’t the direction we wanted to do so we disbanded with that group and all went our separate ways. We have all been in different clans throughout then I decided to reform our core group. We are mainly UK based clan but with the help of a good group of players I have met along the way we are now a global clan. [b][i][u]So what type of players are you recruiting?[/u][/i][/b] We are open to any type of player. If you are new to the game we will give you the support to achieve your goal. Experienced players are very welcome this will help us become stronger by helping others who need support. [b][i][u]What are your requirements?[/u][/i][/b] We ask all members to join our discord server, play the game and have fun! [b][i][u]But why use discord?[/u][/i][/b] The reason we use discord is because we use it to set up event ask other members questions or simply hangout. Our server is not only for Destiny unlike the app, it’s more if a total gaming hangout community if you playing different and are looking for other people we might have just the player/s just sitting willing to help. If would like more information just leave a message below. If you want a invite upvote and send me a DM https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3174512