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Clan Finder

"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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    17356 Members
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    7 Years as a Group
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originally posted in:Clan Finder
7/22/2018 4:54:10 PM

LF PC Clan (ENG)

Just recently picked up the game as a friend heavily recommended it, really have no idea what I'm doing so looking for a noob friendly clan to out a poor sod out. Thanks

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  • welcome to the game! i hope you're enjoying it so far! we have a very welcoming clan, and i know we'd be glad to have you. don't worry about being a noob--we were all there once! i'm here to help you out, and i'm sure several others in the clan would be here for you, too. i'll send you an invite, and feel free to message me if you have any questions or need help in the game! have a good one!

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