originally posted in:Clan Finder
Xbox one Clan used to be very active but lots of members went to other games. Very laid back since most are adults with full time jobs and children. Looking to rebuild with more adults that understand people have lives and just play and have fun when people can
Can I get invite if still possible
I'd like to join. I'm 41 and I work a lot, but when I have time I like to do group runs. Thanks.
New to Destiny - looking for casual group PvE and team quests. Two kids, both 30+yrs, sooooo, thinking I am ‘adult’ :). GT:WizHockey
Looking for a clan to join. Invite me please!
Inv please
Edited by Lightning: 8/23/2018 5:06:19 AMInvite pls gt: LightningDem0n7
Hello i’m a 36 yr old father of 2 and i’ve been looking for a chill clan to join. Would love to join this one
Invite me please. I'm active
Invite me
UK or US based?
I would love to join you guys and gals in some casual games. Please invite me. Thanks
Looking for casual clan to help with group activities
Invite me.
I'm totally in GT: Sunnyside Grass
Definitely my lifestyle! Send me an invite please :)
Description sounds exactly what I'm looking for. Send invite please.
Send me an invite I'll join!
Id be interested in joining. I'm looking for a new clan after my last clan just fell apart.
I don't have a clan yet and would be interested in an invite.
Sounds exactly like what I’m looking for. I’m fairly new to Destiny, but am definitely looking for some people to do group content with when I’m on. Send me an invite when you get a chance and I’d be happy to help with the rebuild.
I'd like to help out. Got a baby on the way but looking to get back into Destiny and could use some help.
Invite me please.
Send me an invite!
Invite please.
Can I get an invite please? Been playing since Destiny launched
I too, am looking for a chill/casual group of Destiny gamers... please send me an invite!