originally posted in:Clan Finder
I recently switched to XB1 from PS4 so I'm in need of a clan to help with raids/nightfalls/PvP etc. Tried 2 different clans so far and there was no cooperation so I'm trying again. I don't really have much as far as stats go on XB but you can find my stats from my PSN at https://destinytracker.com/d2/profile/psn/Mspec_18 and my stats for XB (so far) at https://destinytracker.com/d2/profile/xbl/Mspec15
Please Consider The Marked of Mara. We are a new, small and friendly clan. Actively raiding and prepping for the Forsaken. We aren't fussed about stats or experience, we'll happily help and guide you through things. Grizz https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3212773
Take your gameplay to the next level! Er... actually, take a few steps back and kick up your feet. Stop the grind and join the coolest laid-back clan. Cabal Stole My Cookies, is a PVE/PVP level 6 Xbox One clan,that has been around 3 weeks and we are looking for fun and friendly members to join our ranks.We do not judge other members by skill or experience but treat everyone as equals here in our clan. Things we do: Crucible Strikes both heroic and regular Nightfall Story Missions Public Events Raids And much more... We don't have any of those ridiculous requirements to join like 5.0kd,be active 24/7 or must have such n such gear.We are a casual clan, getting everyone ready for the new Forsaken DLC coming out in September and our only requirement is to have fun and enjoy playing Destiny 2 with like-minded individuals. If you're interested in joining click link below or send me a Xbox message to my gt below.We do ask members to be 18+ and we also use discord app for grouping with one another. https://discord.gg/GNEMVH5 https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3191689 Msg me on Xbox my gt TheWampa2099
[Xbox] The Dank Nation [u][b]About Us[/b][/u] We were a bunch of meme bois that would do raids together and have fun when playing D1. When D2 was announced we decided to make a meme-clan. We are all hardcore-players that dedicated our time to D2 until we went on a break, and now with Forsaken coming out we want to expand our clan to players that are dedicated to the game and to help grow with the clan. [u][b]What can you expect[/b][/u] -Sherpas to help you out with anything(Are recruiting) -3 clan engrams being completed(looking for trails members if interested) -Scheduled clan raids/trails -Discord server:[url]https://discord.gg/8Q7escy[/url](Mandatory if you wanna join clan) -Active around weekends mostly at night NA REGION(Central +EST) [u][b]Requirements[/b][/u] This is a hardcore clan and we want people that want spend time dedicated to raids and pvp so if you want to join here are the requirements: -You must have discord as it is our clans sources for raid schedules and for meeting new friends -Must be active once per 2 weeks -Most importantly you must have some high quality memes -We don't care about region [u][b]Sherpa Recruitment[/b][/u] We have 5 spots available for people that looking to be a Sherpa for our clan to help teach first timers that have not done a raid or someone that needs help. If your interested contact either Lightningdank#3441 or the Raid/Trails Leaders on discord
We Misfits is recruiting active Guardians to join our clan! We play almost every day. Must be active, must have Discord, we use it to plan and communicate. We are a clan of about 30 members. Xbox One. Our biggest passion is Raids but we’d also love more Pvp players. We have a lot of fun but we get the job done 😎 Max Lvl Clan this season. Msg me on xbox or IG. Both are Klutzillah You can check out our IG, I linked it. Our YouTube link is on our IG. https://www.instagram.com/we_misfits_/ We need to play with you first, gotta fit in this crazy family:p
Hi! Nature of The Beast is an xb1 UK based clan. We are 18+, have UK and US players. We play daily, have a laugh doing so and get stuff done in the process. As a friendly bunch, we have no rules except you must be 18+ (due to banter and language), communicate with us and be willing to jump into a party chat whenever you see one of us online. Don't be shy, come say hi! Here's the link to our clan page https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3227618 Feel free to send myself or any admins a message.
Im trying to build up an active clan, i would appreciate help! Check out our #Destiny2 clan!https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3227995