originally posted in:Clan Finder
Very active UK based D2 player here. Have been active since D1Y1 launch. Warlock main, but active on all three characters.
I am a clan founder currently, however the clan is no longer active due to members/IRL friends dropping D2 at CoO. Would love an active group to raid/run PvP with.
I'm on most evenings, and especially enjoy Friday night raid runs.
Hey there see if we are any use to you FORSAKEN GUARDIANS UK [FGUK] "Adults having fun, Raid Sherpa's that get stuff done” We are a UK based clan with a couple of members from vanilla D1 still playing.. we left our old clan due to inactivity and decided to start a new clan and recruit new players to join us, We are all adults who like to have a laugh and joke and take Mickey out off each other but it’s all light hearted nothing toxic or personal. The majority of our clan are raid Sherpa's that will help with Raids/NF's/Exotic Quests etc. We will get every engram each week but would like everybody to chip in with the XP Requirements -English speaking U.K. based so aligned game time for all clan members - level 380 plus pre forsaken - Be active on evenings for clan raids (Tues-Thurs 6PM) - Other Raids will be organised for weekends (Fri-Sun 6PM) - contribute to clan xp as much as possible - be active in all game modes ie crucible strikes etc
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3241991 We are new second clan of experienced PS4 Destiny and Destiny 2 players. We enjoy all the content from PVE, Nightfalls, Raids and Strikes. PVP wise we might not be the best but just like having a laugh killing others or each other in private matches. IAF is mainly UK and US based but we welcome all from around the globe. This is our second clan on destiny so our main rule for joining us is that you must sign up to our discord server, so we can arrange events between the two clans. Our Website is http://inarduisfidelis.clanwebsite.com/ We also have a Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/198771600817213/ Our Discord Server Invite https://discord.gg/TYbJvsc If you have read to here then "Do it for the puppies!!!"
Eyes up Guardian, have you been a lone wolf? has your clan fallen apart? Do you enjoy playing the game but, find you can never complete endgame activities because you have no one on your roster to call on? Playing in a clan will bring you more success. If some of this sounds familiar, I suggest you come take alook at XxTheWolfpackxX https://discord.gg/QrG99KA We game on Discord and we invite to the clan from there. The clan was started in August of 2015, just in time for Taken King after several of the original members had gotten together and decided that playing solo was just not the way to go anymore. We are a community of like-minded gamers that holds its teamwork and values seriously, with one intention and goal in mind; To unite guardians who seek a clan to call home with clanmates who have your back with no requirements. The Wolfpack does not have very demanding requirements. We expect our members to be active, social, helpful, mature, and respectful. In return, you can expect the same from everyone else here. This will ensure the most amazing experience and will draw you in for hours of entertainment, whether it's PvP, PvE, or both. The clan is a no requirements clan, meaning, no posting weapons, class, light, mic or any other must haves for joining activities, we want to include everyone. By the same token, we expect that guardians will not attempt to join an activity if there light is significantly lower than the recommendations bungie has for each activity. We do ask that all who request to join the membership link the b.net account to either the ps4 or xb1 account used for gaming to avoid ghost accounts etc. We are a very active clan running milestones weekly for endgame rewards including raids, nightfalls, strikes, missions as well as all pvp content. Membership is open to any mature individual who wants to play. Tags are earned by being helpful in game and on the clan wall as well as playing often. Nominations are taken monthly and near the end of every month, given out to those who have earned it. Our members come from all walks of life and all corners of the globe bringing a diverse and interesting group of players together. There is never a worry of not having someone to play with as members play at all times of the day and with global coverage evem if you are up at odd hours in your timezone, other will likely be on from around the world. Come join us, find a place among the wolves in the den and get the most out of your Destiny experience. Stay frosty.
The Company of Guardians are recruiting - PS4 UK/EU If you are an active UK/EU PS4 player looking for an active clan to join, then come check us out because we are always looking for active new members!! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2707906 More info on our clan - https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/247778188?sort=0&page=0
Hi mate You're welcome to join us. Have a read below & if interested, let me know. Bond of the Stag is looking for new active players, 18+ who want to have fun & get things done. Doesn't matter if you are new to the game or a D1 vet, all are welcome. You don’t need to be the best at everything, just down for some laughs with some chill people and actively play the game and help your clan mates out. We are mostly based within the UK/Ire & EU & we use Band App to arrange all our activities. All we ask is you are active, have a mic, you respect others in the clan and willing to jump into activities. If you are interested simply click the link and message one of our admins with any questions or a request to join. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2341010
We’re active same times so come join us read our bio and see what you think
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3241991 We are new second clan of experienced PS4 Destiny and Destiny 2 players. We enjoy all the content from PVE, Nightfalls, Raids and Strikes. PVP wise we might not be the best but just like having a laugh killing others or each other in private matches. IAF is mainly UK and US based but we welcome all from around the globe. This is our second clan on destiny so our main rule for joining us is that you must sign up to our discord server, so we can arrange events between the two clans. Our Website is http://inarduisfidelis.clanwebsite.com/ We also have a Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/198771600817213/ Our Discord Server Invite https://discord.gg/TYbJvsc If you have read to here then "Do it for the puppies!!!"
Hey there were a new clan due to similar issues re old clan so maybe come join us Forsaken Guardians UK
PS4 Clan looking for active chilled happy players Cabals Deep are looking for active players for raids , Nf and most things destiny the only requirements are that be 18 plus... you can have a laugh ( no stress heads ) be laid back are available past 8pm UK time most nights newbies are very welcome as long as your willing to learn and stick with us. Males and Females very welcome . If you like the sound of what were about please send a invite to join at the below link https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1749375