originally posted in:Clan Finder
Greetings Guardians.
Tired of your inactive clan, or looking for friendly knowledgeable fire team members, look no more, we are Cayde’s SIXX. We are an ACTIVE group of XBOX ONLY, 18+, 420 Friendly, Lore Educated Guardians. Our goal is to give other guardians a fire team whom they can depend on for NIGHTFALLS, Gambit, Strikes, Adventures, etc.
We are currently looking for Guardians who use discord and The Destiny Companion App, and can respect other guardian’s play styles. We have some slots open for Event Captains, Crucible Captains who can be our personal Lord Shaxx, Gambit Captain who’s always down to grind for the Seething Heart, and Raid Captains, who are willing to guide other players into the heart of The Last Wish.
If you are inactive, play (offline), or just want clan loot, this is not The Clan for you.
Communications up, Grab your weapon, let’s move SIXX.
- Whisky Whiskerz.
Want to join for the endgame content, ps4tag is RememberMatti
I'd love an invite, thundercatsfan3, all about the endgame content, playing since D1 launch
I am interested in joining your clan for PS4 eveee26
Would like to join if spots still open. PSN thatshtcray78 send me a invite!!
I've been looking for a clan if i could get a invite to the clan that would be great Xbox gamer tag Wyatt419
Yooo sign me up. 25, 420 UK
I’d love to join my clan has been inactive for the past 4 months. Please feel free to msg me on psn I-AM-K-OS.
Absoutely would love to join if still up Psn PrismaticFox
520 level titan looking for an active clan for endgame coop. Invite would be welcome.
Edited by Noblesquire: 9/18/2018 7:58:27 PMI would love to join an active clan such as this. Gamertag Noblesquire. I play almost daily.
i would like to join your clan
Could me and my 3 buddy’s join we’re on almost all the time always willing to do raids or help low levels etc I’m currently 540 Hunter with all new subclasses I’d love to get a new active clan. My psn is Ak_Arli74u if you need any help just msg me.
Hi, I would like to join. Psn sUw33dRov
Hey guys I'm lvl 500+ with all 3 classes and looking for a respectable, fun loving active clan. I play ALOT and am willing to play even more and make some active friends along the journey :)
Gamertag: Flyingfignewton Looking to join, need an active clan. I play a Titan, working my way up to max level after some time off. Very active and experienced player.
hey my names igor im 23 live in seattle. i play warlock have been loving the game again would love to join.
Im skilled with my Hunter, I'd be an asset. Just dont bring me along to Raids unless you feel like giving me a rundown every time.
Hey are you guys still looking if so send an invite thx.
Hi guys, looking for a active clan to join. Any space?
Edited by Iggy P Reiley: 9/15/2018 1:40:11 AMLooking to join an active clan. D1 and D2 player but took a pretty significant break before any of the expansions came out. Usually play a few hours a night. Central time zone. GT = Iggy P Reiley
Looking to join a large clan. Very experienced destiny player. I spend around 4 hours a day playing D2 so I’ll be a big help to the rewards. Send me an invite. AGILITY OP
GT: Triad #21949: Highly active player who started already with Destiny 1. Picking up Destiny 2 with Forsaken. Wanna raid, do pvp and gambits :) always there to help out clan mates.
Is there still spots left?
Hey just jumping back into destiny with the expansion haven't played much of D2 but got over 1000 hours in D1 would love a clan to be apart of.
My current clan consists of like 3 active people so i would love to join shoot me an invite!!!
Sent you a message! GT is VashtaNerada93.