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"Clan Recruitment"

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    Post your Clan Recruitment, Post whether your clan is PC, Xbox or Playstation. limit of 1 recruitment Forum per clan

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
9/2/2018 2:53:08 AM

Looking for PC Clan

Started playing destiny 2 again right before the forsaken patch and looking for an active clan to join.

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  • Hi YungPug, here is a current copy of the profile on our clan page explaining a bit about us: [quote]We are a clan founded by a core of a few experienced Destiny players (Mario Vale, Krunpocalyptik and Hratgard) who like completing all Destiny challenges in a fun, but efficient manner. We are also players of similar games like The Division and hopefully Anthem when it releases, so we will also be playing those also as a clan. Currently we are looking to recruit new members to the clan in the lead up to Forsaken (and beyond) who are adults or mature players looking to learn from the best and willing to improve to help with raids at weekly reset, as well as any end-game activities Gambit and Crucible will throw up.[/quote] Many of our members have gradually left the game or only play on their own as they have limited play time instead of with the clan in raids, so we are looking to recruit some fresh faces for Forsaken so that we have a consistent group to play with. We love playing all aspects of Destiny and also very accommodating when it comes to guiding players through all aspects of the game, especially when it is new to them. As it says in our clan profile, we also play similar games like The Division and Warframe and we will be looking to play Anthem when it releases. If you also like these kinds of games then the clan is worth joining. We are predominantly based in Europe, however we are welcome to bring in players from NA as long as they can stick to a European time schedule. If you wish to join, please send both a [url=]clan request[/url] and a message to me either on Xbox Live (Mario Vale) or on Discord (Mario Vale#9454). You can also just message me on either of those channels to find out more if you are not sure about joining yet.

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