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"Clan Recruitment"

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
9/10/2018 12:17:43 AM

PS4 Hunter LF clan to Raid

Howdy, hola, Konnichiwa, hallo, bonjour or whatever you prefer. I'm currently looking to experience and learn the end game content of Destiny 2. BUT they make it fairly difficult to access without a proper clan or a good amount of friends to play with and I've had little to no luck with people answering my messages in game. So here I' am. I'm currently capped at level 30, Gear floats around 341-345 depending on how bored I' am with its look (I always switch out to whats best if I'm in a fire-team though.) I have full intentions on getting Forsaken just haven't felt the need to invest/commit to it yet if I can't start experiencing the end game content thats already available; IE Leviathan. Figured thats the best reason to wait, learn whats out already so I can be up to snuff on the new Forsaken content. Also down for Crucible, Strikes, and Nightfall. Mostly want to raid though. As for myself, I'm super mellow, a team player and I get along with everyone. I use to be a pretty huge gamer but lately I keep my consistency to Destiny and Overwatch for my multiplayer experiences. Though, I'll more than likely be picking up Red Dead 2. ANYWAY that's me and my expectations in a nut shell. HMU if this vibes with your clan. -SMA

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